Do you want to know what thc the civil war used to win the civil war .In April 12,1861 is when the civil war started and ended in April 9,1865 and the thing they used for the battle was swords,muskets and cannon. The swords are used to stabi the enemies some of the soldiers put their niff in front of their gun so they don't have to get too close to there enemy.The sword was flexible,ornate
The Civil war began April 12, 1861. At Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, which was guarded heavily by union troops. Most of the forts arsenals and property had been seized by those in the rebellion but Fort Sumter had not.The picture depicted below is Fort Sumter befor it was burned It soon became a test if the Confederates were even going to attack the union and whether the troops would defend their ground. By March the Union was running out of food so Lincoln ordered people to
In early August 1861, the Confederates approached Unions army, which was camped at Springfield, Missouri. On August ninth, 1861, both the Confederates and the Union made plans to attack each other. On August tenth, the Union attacked the Confederates on Wilson’s creek about twelve miles southwest from Springfield. Confederate cavalry received the first shot and retreated from the high ground, later known as the “bloody hill”. Infantry soon rushed up to stabilize their positions.
During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was president and he fought for the rights of slaves. The Civil war started on April 12th, 1861 and ended on May 13th 1865 ; the North won. The North won as the result of a large population, an abundance of resources, and better transportation than the South. The North also had an established government with clear goals, along with great generals giving them greater military potential. Having a large population benefited the North greatly.
Over the course of several years there were thousands of battles fought in the American Civil war. Many of these battles were fought at the same time throughout the country. Two of these battles in particular ended at the same time, The fall of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg. The Union won both of these Battles, giving them an advantage over the south. These 2 defeats gave the union the upper hand because the south retreated and that was the last time they attacked the north. They retreated from gettysburg to vicksburg.
The Civil war was a very hard and terrible time in history for all men, women, and children. It was also very dangerous. The war began on April 12,1861 and ended on May 13,1865. The war took place in U.S, Confederate states of America, Southern U.S, Western U.S, Atlantic Ocean, and North-Eastern U.S.
Throughout the Civil War the South was Favoured to win the War because of certain advantages; but with certain new unknown types of battles that started such as naval battles, and improvements to the ships of the Navy can be linked to why the North became the victor of the Civil War. For centuries before the Civil War, large naval battles had not changed dramatically. Battle in the times before the Civil War were fought by wooden, sail-driven ships carrying as many cannon as possible, which would shoot at each other until one of them became so damaged that it could not keep up the fight. In the decade before the Civil War, however, major developments in naval technology forever changed the face of naval warfare. Even though the South was thought to have the advantage over the North the North was able to take advantage of the new technologies that were coming out to actually bring them a victory that set precedents that would last till the present day.
The Civil War, which began in April 1861,was the battle of the Northern and Southern states of America. After Lincoln pledged to get rid of slavery in new territories, Southern states seceded to form the Confederacy to fight against the Union. Both the Union and Confederacy and strengths and weaknesses, however, ultimately the North was victorious and slavery was abolished from the United States. The North had many strengths, including a strong military and a strong economical/political system, which would help them win the war. James McPherson backs this up as he argues that the North had superior numbers which would help them during the war.
The Civil war had started in 1861, and had ended in 1865. More than 620,000+ million people in the State Americans were injured in the battle. This war between the states, it had determined how the U.S was going to turn out.The two countries that had battled were the northern U.S, and the southern U.S. The war had ended because the Confederate had surrendered
Discrimination and acceptance is apparent before, as it is in the present. Before, African Americans were given “freedom” that wasn’t entirely free. Today, African Americans are fully free, however, they still receive some discrimination and unfair judgment. After the Civil War, African Americans finally received their so-called, “freedom,” and a time of rebuilding and readmitting began. Both the whites and the African Americans had to adapt to these new changes. African Americans were able to receive food, jobs, education, and much more, yet not as fantastic as they hoped. Southerners wanted segregation, and applied a tiny amount of freedom rights for African Americans. The Southern Whites won the Second Civil War (Reconstruction), as they are still perceived to be above the African Americans, and extremely worked to keep no
The Civil War was a very gruesome battle in which 620,000 soldiers had lost their lives. The battle was a very important time in history where two countries located in the same country (The USA and The CSA were located in America) were fighting for the same thing. Freedom. The US wanted to keep their citizens free, no matter what color they were, and The CS wanted freedom from The US so they could start their own country filled with slaves. In the end, The US claimed victory over The CS, gained all of the southern states, and abolished slavery. America became a whole country once again. But imagine this; what if The CS had actually won the war? Also, would this new country survive for long? To put out one simple answer, No. They would not
The civil war began on April 12th, 1861, and ended on May 9th, 1865. It had lasted about four years. The war was between the North and South. Northern states fought to abolish slavery and southern fought for slavery and states rights. At the time our president was Abraham Lincoln. All battles were bloody and worth a fight. The result of the war reunited us together as one.
The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine whether the Union or Confederacy would survive. The fight would take place between the North, called Union states and the South, called Confederate states. The Confederate states wanted to leave the North and South union and stand on their own.
The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine whether the Union or Confederacy would survive. The fight would take place between the North, called Union states and the South, called Confederate states. The Confederate states wanted to leave the North and South union and stand on their own.
The Civil War took place from April 12th, 1861 - May 9th, 1865. It was a brutal and bloody war. It
“Let’s end the civil war” is an article, written in 1962 by Harry Golden a northern journalist. He wrote this article to highlight the Civil war centennial in the U.S. and the idea that the centennial committees in the whole of the south, which wanted us to believe that the civil war is not over. There are still participations in the reengagement of the civil war and some of the actors still hope that the civil war will be restored. Harry golden thinks that the Americans see the centennial more as a celebration of the civil war, than a centennial. And that is why one of the main themes in the article is misunderstanding. It is a misunderstanding between the south and their view of the centennial. He thinks that