
Docetism In Gnosticism

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One of the early heresies was Docetism, which held that Jesus only “seemed” human. They based this belief on an assumption that God can’t become flesh. Docetism treats John 1:14 as figurative where it states that the Word was made flesh. Part of their reasoning for this belief can be attributed to the view of flesh as sinful which would result as a problem for God, who is divine, to become “imprisoned” inside. However, Jesus was nailed to a cross and real blood flowed from his hands and side that is proof that Jesus was in fact human. In Gnosticism it was believed that the trinity was three hidden spiritual realities. They tended to think in the form of good against bad with the spirit being good and the physical being bad. It can be confusing …show more content…

The Council of Nicea drafted these decisions as parameters and not as a definition. In Arianism it was believed that Jesus was not fully God. They believe Jesus to be similar to God but not the same as the Father. The thought of Jesus being one step down from God parallels with the Arian belief that Jesus being a “created being” by God would therefore be subordinate to God. If Jesus was “created” then that would mean there was a time in history when he was not present. Colossians 1:19 states, “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” and Colossians 2:9 states, “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily”. These verses directly refute the stance of the Arians. The Arian following became so prevalent that Constantine called the first ecumenical council, Council of Nicea. This council gave parameters that God is three persons, God is one substance, each of the three persons is fully God, and the three persons exist at the same time. In the end the Arian belief was condemned. The trinity as the church defines it is based on the parameters given by the Council of …show more content…

The problem with the description from Apollonarius is that it implies that Jesus is just a flesh suit that God is controlling like a puppet. To be fully human Jesus must possess not only a flesh body but also a human mind and soul. Nestorius taught that Jesus was two persons with two natures. In our modern definition this would be schizophrenic or twins. Nestorius viewed Jesus as God and man working together but this goes against the idea that Jesus is God. It simply has Jesus just working with God. Eutyches takes the approach of monophysitism and claims that Jesus has one nature because he wanted to avoid separating Jesus into two different entities. His view makes Jesus a hybrid of God and man. Finally to try and put an end to the debates the Council of Chalcedon was held in AD 451. They set four parameters to define how the church understands Jesus that included Jesus as fully God, Jesus as fully man, Jesus as one person, and Jesus having two natures. This was good because instead of the focus being on what was wrong the parameters focused on what was right. The parameters also work in harmony with the Biblical description of the TrinityAugustine’s life pursuit was after pleasure and delight. He was not only about seeking joy for himself but also for

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