The Journey to Doctor Livesey’s house was a quiet one. There were no signs of the men who were with Pew anywhere near us on the southern English countryside, thank the heavens. The only sounds to befall upon my ears were the steady clip clop of the horse’s hooves, and the continuous buzzing of numerous insects. No words could be found to kindle a conversation, and I had no desire to start one. Flitting moments of time passed by, and soon enough, Doctor Livesey’s house appeared.
The sound of the hooves clip-clopping was still echoing in my ears, but the noise seemingly grew louder, as my anticipation upon arriving at Doctor Livesey’s house rose. The group of Mr. Dance’s men came to a stop. Mr. Dance muttered a quiet “Let’s go now,” to which
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I gazed around the brightly lit area, where there was a bed with pure white sheets in the corner, a cabinet with vials and bottles filled with medicine, a lamp burning brightly on a tiny, wooden table, along with a rectangular table in the middle of the …show more content…
Giving a half effort smile, he introduced himself. “Mah name’s Chase. I’m Doctor Livesey’s helper. I’ll get ‘im fur ye.” “Thank you.”
And with that he headed to Doctor Livesey’s room.
I waited for Doctor Livesey’s appearance. It wasn’t but a moment after, when Doctor Livesey strode in the room, with Chase behind him.
“Doctor Livesey!” I said, with urgency. I quickly walked up to him. “A lot has happened, sir! And,” I paused,” I need to show you something.” The doctor looked at me with understanding.
“Sit. down, Jim. Tell me what’s ensued.” We both sat down at the table in the middle of the room. He turned to his apprentice, who stood there with confusion written all over his face. “Chase, would you get water for Jim here?” Chase nodded. “Yes, sir.” The apprentice went to fetch the water in the next room. While he was doing so, I took the time to explain everything that had happened back at the inn; about Pew’s death, and the oilskin packet I had found in Billy Jones’s wooden chest. In the middle of explaining the oilskin packet, Chase had walked back in, with water in hand. He set it in front of me, and I drank it all in no time at
After his lunch break, Tom didn’t have long to wait before the paramedics burst in through the swinging double-doors of the ambulance bay wheeling in a young man on a gurney. Edward, a veteran EMT, recited the vital signs to Tom and Dr. Greene as they helped push the gurney into the trauma room,
On August 18, 2015, I accompanied my mother to UCLA Santa Monica Emergency Dept. Her name is Lourdes Chirinos, she's currently being treated by Doctor Perter Vezeridis.
I have often been told that I am irrational, and every time I deny it. Though, this time around I am afraid I have succumb to that label; and not only myself, but my dear friend John Laurens as well. I must say, it was folly on my part to call Charles Lee out on his bluff, but I’ve had an itch on my tongue to blurt it out since Monmouth. It’s as clear as day that the man is a traitor, but how does a great man such as Washington himself blind to the fact? I have tried to reason with him on multiple accounts, and regardless of the swearing he emits, he refuses for me to do anything to him.
Her expansive shoulders lay motionless, Seated with open arms offering its knowledgeability to anyone that walks by. her mind flooded with pure intellect is occupied with Melbourne’s comprehensive history. Before her entry, fixed with boundless glory and pride stands Edmond Barry. Carved with her intricate design to match her exterior, myriad of fiction, mystery and encyclopaedia to acquire ones every need.
My family had just moved in the summer of 2013, that meant I’d be going to a different middle school. I was in the Gresham district now, so that meant that I had to go to Clear Creek middle school. Both my sisters went there, most of the teachers knew me because of them. I’d go to all their band concerts and the parent-teacher conferences. I hated the fact that i had to switch schools. I just want to stay at Walt Morey with all my friends and because I was playing football for reynolds. It made no sense to me at the time because Walt Morey was closer to me house than Clear Creek was. I begged my mom everyday to let me go to Walt Morey and she’d always say no. Then registration day came, I was forced to go but I guess it was alright. There were a few familiar faces, but I hated the
As I bounced along in the saddle, holding onto Dogger as if my life depended on it, he pristinely sat perched upon the saddle with ease as if we weren’t galloping at lightning speed across the field. The wind blew across my face as I pondered how to tell Dr. Liveseys all that had happened that night. About midnight, while the moon was straight up above us, I could see the shadow of the other men who had accompanied Dogger in his rescuing of me and my mother. I looked to my right and recognized the shopkeeper Mr. Tressler; I gave him a friendly wave and he nodded in return. I looked over to my left and was surprised to see a chestnut colored horse carrying the newest inhabitant of our town, a man who had identified himself as Barry. I looked
Mr. Miller, my seventh grade homeroom teacher, “strongly encouraged” us to bring treats to class every Friday. He led us to believe that sharing cheap, processed foods laced with exorbitant amounts of refined sugar and saturated fats was the way to make friends. It was, however, quite obvious to a bunch of twelve and thirteen year olds that Miller was more concerned with maintaining his lifelong friendship with Little Debbie than he was with helping us get to know one another. A man whose license plate read “Ursa Major,” was more than just a fan of bears—he seemed to be the “Great Bear” himself. Standing about 6’2”, probably weighing in at more than 300 pounds, with a short, yet scruffy brown beard and long pointed snout, this lazy beast
There is a new “update” for Clicker Heroes. It’s not out yet but you can play the beta. (BACK UP YOUR SAVE).
William and Mary walked crisply into the barn. The farmhands had formed a circle around an altercation on the dance floor. William and Mary pushed their way through the crowd. In the center of the circle, they saw two farmhands restraining Eric by holding onto both of his arms. Susan was screaming at the men to let him go. Reverend Flowers was doubled-over at the edge of the circle, holding his hand against his mouth. He pulled his hand back and looked at the blood on his fingers that flowed from a fat lip he had sustained.
“Stop!” Mr. Dance cried out to his men. Our party came to a halt to investigate this strange man just lying there. They all quickly dismounted and rushed to the mystery man’s side. I pushed my way through the stout bodies crowding around him and gasped at the scene before me. Sticky blood was gushing out of his forehead and coating his sharp features before matting into his long golden
Dr.Cobb a bold, diligent, and incredible women. A women of intelligence and wisdom. In the 6th grade of attending Jolliff I had the opportunity to to be taught by Dr.Cobb. I remember all of the positive energy when I walk through the door. All the way to the warmest smile that could light up a room. I love the way that she was easy to approach and talk to. She wanted us show and creativity and push boundaries. When Dr.Cobb get tough she doesn't play. It was not because she was mean she had a passion for teaching. It was to prepare us for next grade. Never mind not just the next grade life also. Dr.Cobb set a high standard for all her students know that we could reach and overcome. I now noticed the homework and class work I would complain about
My schedule in Bishopstown was simple; I would wake at dawn to milk the Jersey cows and feed the pigs, then spend hours weeding the garden or traversing the verdant marshlands to find healing herbs, such as burdock and meadowsweet, to be used in various elixirs. In the evenings, I would read and journal before falling asleep on the floor of my hosts’, Helen and Brendan’s, ramshackle shed.
It was a dull, grey morning, as was every morning in Lofter, and a blanket of mist settled over the hills. The soft smell of rain lingered in the air. Rain was to be expected. As it always rained in Lofter. And the rain would saturate the mire, which stretched on for miles. I remember my arrival to the village of Lofter. Even after all these years. As it's dismal appearance would be a precursor of the things to come. All of which I shall share with you in due course. But first, I must bring into light a few essential factors that, though seemingly irrelevant, lead to the final outcome of this tale. And though those of you, with severely practical minds, may find the story of which I am about to relate highly improbable. I beg of thee, pay heed. For not everything of importance is visible to the human eye. You must accept that this ancient world in which we live can be a strange and uncanny one. Just as the mire where mysteries, the villagers say, sleep undisturbed. Hitherto, I had looked upon my situation in a skeptical manner. Let this story be a warning then for those of you who should one day wish to visit Lofter and lay eye upon the mire for yourselves. And so my dear readers, with no further delay, I'll begin this tale with my arrival to the village of Lofter. I had traveled from London, leaving behind the great success of which I had established for myself, to accept a job as a private physician for the Cardew family. Mr. Cornelius Cardew, of whom was acquainted with
When I got back to the institution I talked to Dr.Mako and he told me that I can't force myself to hypnotist.An hour later I walked outside to take a breather and this guy asked for some change.i cleared my mind and then all of a sudden I can see what he sees (hypnotism)so I said;when i snap my fingers you will have a better and happy like and make some new friends and it worked.So I thought I should get on the train and head home, but I decided to go back in the instant and tell Dr. Mako what I just accomplished!When I reached Dr. Mako’s office, he was in a meeting with my mom and dad.So I caught up with Tommy and he told me to hypnotise the lunch lady so I he could have more mashed potatoes and gravy But it, uh didn't go so well and tommy
It was a hot Spring day in the middle of a soccer game of my Freshman year. I felt that pain that impacted my life forever. It changed my outlook on life and made me realize how truly lucky I am. I came home that evening and complained to my Mother how bad my chest was hurting. She told me it was most likely indigestion or something I had ate earlier that day. Her being the educated nurse that She is, I believed her and went on about my night. Soccer season continued and the pain was still there but only when I ran. I didn’t think much of it and ignored it. Soccer season ended and I had never felt the pain again. That was until later that year, I walked from my class to the office. I could feel them again. I told