The College Conspiracy Review The College Conspiracy is a documentary, created by the National Inflation Association, on the college system in America saying that it is a scam and that the young american society should start investing in silver and gold as soon as they graduate college. The documentary starts with a statement saying that children are brainwashed in the 6th grade to do excellent in high school in order to enter college. Then, the documentary goes on to tell that tuition is starting to suffer from hyperinflation. Students that go to college will highly be in debt when they finish because of this hyperinflation. Following that, the documentary then talks about how high school graduates that went off to college do not have the higher working social skills that students that did not go to college have. Finally, the documentary ends by talking about how college is not as important/special as it was 30 years ago because so many people can get into college so easily. …show more content…
That is not true. School, starting at grade 6, is brainwashing children to think that they need to this special system to teach them how to prepare for college. Which is not the best for them. Schools used to have a curriculum that was based on how to succeed on life without using college (The good, the bad, and the ugly, 2011). Now schools and teachers must follow this strict guideline that tells them what and how to teach to the children. Virginia created this test called SOLs, the Department of Education absolutely loved the idea and now made them mandatory for each import core class. What is needed is the old style of teaching so, that children can actually come out into the world knowing something other than what is considered “life skills,” but is
Before addressing the issue of education, we need to understand how the education system works. Children usually start Elementary school at the age of six. After completing five grade levels, students move on to middle school or Junior high, and they complete this stage of schooling in three years. Then, they move on to high school, which will prepare them for college. Students take two tests in high school, a standardized test that they will have to pass in order to graduate and ACT/SAT, which is a college preparation test. Students receive grades according to how well they perform on exams, and those grades determine their GPA (grade
The Sol test is an important state standardized test for the state of Virginia. However, while preparing students to take this test teachers are forced to teach to the test and are unable to make sure that the students have retained the information given. The need to get successful scores on the Standards of Learning tests in Virginia causes students to have unnecessary stress.
College is the next stepping stone to better or advance ones social standing in life, whether it is moving from a blue collar lifestyle to white collar, or to continue to further their career path. However, it comes with an “unavoidable result.” Alfred Lubrano discusses this “unavoidable result” in his text “The Shock of Education: How College Corrupts.” Lubrano discusses the topic of how furthering ones education opens more possibilities but at the same time distances those held most dearly. He explains that the more knowledge gained, the bigger the gap caused between friends and family due to differences in levels of knowledge. That distance is greatly increase if one comes from a poorer region where blue collar workers are the social
Some believe that the purpose of a college education is to teach these fundamentals, but that isn’t entirely the case. The information that everyone should know as a citizen can be taught through primary and secondary school, because children are very good at memorizing facts and stories compared to adults. While every child has different abilities, they can all still learn all the basics that they need to be a functioning adult. Not everyone is smart enough to go to college.
When contemplating a topic for this assignment, I was intrigued to discuss a matter that cannot only benefit those targeted but strengthens our nation as a whole in a plethora of aspects. My intention is to acquire attention to the importance of higher education in the United States. Recently rising issues in our country include unemployment and poverty, which have greatly impacted our nation’s economy and well-being. Throughout our country high school students and graduates are debating whether or not they should further their education and if it would be worth it. This video will depict how a college education is definitely worth it as it provides tangible as well as intangible benefits.
“In the United States today, there is no more certain investment than a college education”(Carnevale and Melton). Education has always been a major component of American society. One can only go so far without an education, and the more education and knowledge someone has, the better their chances of being successful. Some people believe a high school education is enough, and it is, enough to land a job at a fast food restaurant. I speculate they feel this way because they feel school is not for them, or maybe they just do not want to go far in life. To get far in life people must go above and beyond, and learn things that others do not know to make them
College Education Education allows one to improve in the world and creates many marvelous improvements to the world. Education teaches one understanding of new technologies, the ability to determine what’s right or wrong, and helps one to make better choices in one life so that one may pursue he/she’s dreams of happiness. To better achieve in life, one needs to get better education and for that, one needs to complete high school and college. In “Where College Fails us” by Caroline Bird, Bird talks about how college is not for every student and say that college is only for those who are hard workers and believe college is the only way to be successful. On the other hand, Barber, in his “America Skips School” argues that American children are learning many wrong lessons outside of school and that society does not care.
Within the article, “Are Too Many People Going To College?”, by Charles Murray, he goes over the reasons why we don’t necessarily need to go to college to be successful. By this, he is talking about how most liberal arts should be taught properly within grades K-8. What I mostly agree on with him is the topic of how four years of college is ridiculous. From personal experience and the practicality of learning important information, I strongly believe that students should have to spend four years at college. Why learn something irrelevant and have the possibility to fail if you learn the material for your future career sooner and successfully.
All of this information draws many people to the same conclusion: college is unnecessary. They assume that college is too expensive, or that it doesn’t adequately prepare people for the real world, or that the time spent in college can be used for significantly better things. This thought process is entirely fair. Ultimately, a college education isn’t necessarily for everyone, as the high number of dropouts
Not too many years ago, even high school was considered un-useful, but as todays economy continues to go up, the more school becomes valuable. Even thirteen years of education is not enough for todays standards, as it continues to become more of a “technology advanced” world the more years in college will be suggested to be “well-off”, even not going to college can cost you, as New York Times article by Kaufman reads “Not going to college can cost you up to half a million dollars”. Therefore, the fact of it all is the economy is going to force us to go to college so we can make a living and be considered to standard, and for this to be achieved 16 or more years of school will be necessary. Yet, from the average person, this seems to only fix a minor percentage of issues we all
Virginia requires all students to take year-end tests known as the Standards of Learning. Many people hate these SOL’s because they cause unnecessary stress. Other students love them because it gives them a goal for the year. Regardless of the various opinion there are many pros and cons, of the SOL’s.
Although legislatives assumption was that high stakes testing would enhance understudy inspiration, and raise understudy accomplishment, that supposition was completely incorrect. The effect of standardized testing (high-stakes testing) has not been positive throughout the United States at all. Due to the lack of motivation, the high retention rate, and notable change in dropout rate, it may be a while until many states recover, especially for states like Louisiana. According to Nola, Louisiana is tied with Florida for having one of the country’s fifth lowest graduation rates, and one of the highest dropout rates. Our society needs to come together and think of a plan that will help students, and prevent the increasing number of kids who decide to give up on school. A system that will benefit both students, and teachers should be created; making it better for both, students and teachers to work together properly. With a new system student motivation may improve, the number of over aged students sitting in the wrong grade will decrease, and the notable dropout rate will actually
The second reason as to why not all students should go to college is because colleges have begun to lower standards. ACTs, SATs, and high school transcripts are all being looked at by colleges in order to decide whether or not a student is qualified to get into the college. However, are these scores actually being looked at and examined how they should be, or are the colleges admitting underqualified high school students into college because of the tuition fees that student would have to pay? College is very expensive, with the tuition costs, book fees, meal plans, and room and board costs. It could be
The 1980s brought a new reform movement in education, accompanied by a new emphasis on testing. The effort to improve education at all levels included the use of standardized tests to provide accountability for what students are learning. Minimum competency tests, achievement tests, and screening instruments were used to ensure that students from preschool through college reached the desired educational goals and achieved the minimum standards of education that were established locally or by the state education agency. As we continue in a new century, these concerns have increased.
The School system is definitely where it begins though. Once you get into high school things changed, you have to try to achieve your goal for good grades for college, but sometimes it’s almost impossible because what