
Documentary Review: The College Conspiracy

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The College Conspiracy Review The College Conspiracy is a documentary, created by the National Inflation Association, on the college system in America saying that it is a scam and that the young american society should start investing in silver and gold as soon as they graduate college. The documentary starts with a statement saying that children are brainwashed in the 6th grade to do excellent in high school in order to enter college. Then, the documentary goes on to tell that tuition is starting to suffer from hyperinflation. Students that go to college will highly be in debt when they finish because of this hyperinflation. Following that, the documentary then talks about how high school graduates that went off to college do not have the higher working social skills that students that did not go to college have. Finally, the documentary ends by talking about how college is not as important/special as it was 30 years ago because so many people can get into college so easily. …show more content…

That is not true. School, starting at grade 6, is brainwashing children to think that they need to this special system to teach them how to prepare for college. Which is not the best for them. Schools used to have a curriculum that was based on how to succeed on life without using college (The good, the bad, and the ugly, 2011). Now schools and teachers must follow this strict guideline that tells them what and how to teach to the children. Virginia created this test called SOLs, the Department of Education absolutely loved the idea and now made them mandatory for each import core class. What is needed is the old style of teaching so, that children can actually come out into the world knowing something other than what is considered “life skills,” but is

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