In the modern world there is paranoia of a zombie apocalypse centered on pop-culture (Geiser). Many scientists are now studying the possibility of a zombie apocalypse and the affects it would have. There is much controversy on this issue and brings to light an important question; is it scientifically possible for a zombie apocalypse to occur? The answer to this question is buried in research but is easy to obtain. It is scientifically possible for a zombie apocalypse to occur but one should not worry themselves about it too much. There is no way for a dead person to come back to life, at least not yet. The type of zombies these scientists prove to be true are still living people but they exhibit the classical characteristics of a zombie.
Vampires and zombies are both fictional. However, one does have more of a possibility of being real. The origin story of vampires is that they were the dead rising from hell to wreak havoc; this makes it hard to believe they could exist, considering not everyone believes in an underworld. On the other hand, bacteria are all around us and spread viruses all over the world. This is the origin of the modern day zombie, they are no longer the dead becoming the living, instead, it’s a highly contagious virus that spreads throughout the world. There is even a type of fungus that has been known to “zombify” ants. Making the chance of a zombie invasion even more
“The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts” (Brooks 252). Max Brooks, the author of the book World War Z breaks down that there is a possibility for humans to become zombies. In World War Z and Wastelands: The End of the World as We Know It both apocalyptic stories set the setting in extreme and lonely places. The characters in the novels educate themselves to survive the world during an apocalypse. People are constantly running, crying, fighting, or shooting. The authors point out that if we take a closer look there are many possibilities to which an apocalypse could happen, however, the origin of the outbreak is unknown. Zombies are just metaphors used in novels, games,
It is clear that zombies are the outcomes of a given infectious disease
This proves that zombies can help people deal with different fears. Furthermore, in the text it also says, "zombies aren't real." Nonetheless, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a "Zombie Preparedness" Web page. " This proves that zombies can help people prepare for things in the future.
In my opinion, the authors feel too strongly and consider the subject of zombies too deeply, when zombies are meant to be an object of entertainment. The authors base their whole article on the idea that zombies were so prevalent in the media because they reflect the image of a capitalist slave and represent the idea of post-humanism. They believe the zombie goes a lot deeper than simply being an object of fear, when I believe, yes, some people may feel as though they sometimes relate to the zombie, but the whole image and idea of the zombie is not based around how we see ourselves as a society. Most people relate to the zombie in a superficial way, such as when they are sleepy, sick, or not interested in what is going on around them, they may say they are like a zombie. This means they are slow-moving and disassociating themselves from their environment.
Whenever you talk about the zombie apocalypse you run into the zombie nerds who declare that they would survive the zombie apocalypse. And I don’t really think so.
Critic, Jung Min You claims that “together with the development of movie industry and technology, zombies have evolved over the years” (You.) From each generation, zombies have been the star in any scary movie. It is easy to say that movie films, editing software’s, and camera equipment has greatly been improved over the past generations, but with all of the enhancements of these materials comes the progression of the things they are taping and editing. The zombie that we all know is the zombie that we, the people of the world, created ourselves through our advancement of technology. They were not as horrific as they were in the 1800’s because many of the new features they have picked up came along with time and development of software. Many individuals believe that zombies evolve simply because the world does, but not many authors or scholars so far have related this evolution of this creature to the evolution of scientific
Most of the time when you think of the word zombie, you think of a walking corpse that will eat your face as soon as it gets the chance. What if we thought of zombies as an animal that is brought back from the dead? Well, in that case, zombies have been around for a while. According to David Casarett, author of Reanimated Chickens and Zombie Dogs, for over two-hundred years, scientist have pushed relentlessly at life’s terminus, trying to find new ways to bring people back from the dead when their hearts stop. There are many scientist that even grew famous for these discoveries, theories and experiments. There are a few that may be disturbing to some readers, but they are worth the mention.
From many sources zombies are believed to be immortal and corpses revived with voodoo magic or other ways. From contradicting sources zombies are in fact not immortal and are created by a virus. You might be asking “Why is he telling
In the past decades zombies have been a staple in horror genre and its popularity has increased since. And it is a no surprise that these creatures have evolved over time. The original definition of the word ‘zombie’ is significantly different from the current popular definition. Since the 19th century the word Zombies is reanimated human corpses with a hunger for human flesh, they are capable of movement but no rational thought, they are usually caused by virus, neurotoxins, or mutation. Zombies can be found anywhere from movies, TV series, video games even books and graphic novels.
Zombies are a corpse that is revived by witchcraft. Zombies come out from the ground to the surface. They feed off of humans alive humans, they mainly love the brain. I have watch so many scary movies like "The living dead". That movie will tell you all the details about zombies. But, only if your not scared of seeing zombies. When there are thousands and thousands of zombies people call it a Zombie Apocalypse. A Zombie Apocalypse is a very terrifying experience thousands of zombies just roaming around the earth trying to eat people that is horrifying and disgusting because there is going to be blood all over the ground ,human flesh ,and guts...gross. I hope that zombie apocalypse never ever happen. Also did you know that people also said that
There are many political theories in the world today. Drezner addresses how realism, liberalism, constructivism, neo-conservatism, and bureaucratic politics would face the threat of a zombie apocalypse throughout his book. Each theory presented with the possibility of a world where the dead walk amongst the living and feed on their flesh, and then Drezner would elaborate on how each political theory would unfold if the world were to decide to pursue that particular political theory. This elaboration helps us determine if the world could even survive a zombie apocalypse. Although many people would ask is the threat of a zombie apocalypse even a
I think this because with today’s technology it can be done. Who knows there could be some in Southern Illinois for all we know. Only the people who made them will know. I mean if they can act like me in every way along with talking, make facial expressions, eat, and go to work my neighbor could even be one. I believe it is very possible with today’s technology for a philosophical zombie to exist.
Anyone paying attention has had the privilege of seeing the rotting, disheveled, missing limb creature inhabiting society in a sensational way. Dating back thousands of years, zombies were integrated into American society with “[the] depiction of the zombie from 19th-century Haitian voodooism” (Crockett, 2016) leading to the zombie epidemic existing today. The dawn of the dead has reigned from as early as the 1930s and now a spin-off concept has emerged. A zombie apocalypse has influenced modern day media such as movies, TV shows and videogames: reflecting the viewers worst fears and adapting the generation.
Maybe our entire perspective of what zombies are is actually wrong. From my knowledge, zombies that are feared to bring the apocalypse are actually living beside us today. People in today’s society have become enslaved by many things, especially by their own desires. Like zombies, they live day by day, emotionless and persistent. They do the same thing, the same way, 365 days a year. In my opinion, zombies are not only the dead who are living, but also the living who are dead. Zombies in real life aren’t cannibalistic, but in the process of getting what they want, they may cause destruction. The destruction can occur because, like zombies, “living zombies” will also do whatever it takes to fulfill their desires. I believe that zombies shouldn’t be feared or believed to cause an apocalypse. If anything, we, living zombies, will be the ones to cause the apocalypse when we go brother against brother to fulfill our own selfish