
Does Anxiety Impede An Individual's Cognitive Abilities

Satisfactory Essays

Initially Research project was an opportunity for me to explore the possible future pathways for myself. However, through refinement it became more prominent that the specific topic for my Research Project should be in regards to issues within the fields of my future pathway, which will also allow me to further develop my knowledge and capabilities. Initially, my question for the research project explored the effects of general mental illnesses on the cognitive abilities, however after considering the research required to answer and explore the question, it became obvious that the question was too broad and general. Therefore, I narrowed down the question to a more specific mental illness; hence I chose to explore the effects of anxiety. However, the question itself did not provide me the opportunities to explore the more significant areas of the issue, hence I refined my question to ‘ To what extent does anxiety impede an individual’s cognitive abilities?’

Through researching how Anxiety, a common disorder that affects the cognitive functions, it allows me to explore the work and knowledge required by psychologists (possible future pathway) …show more content…

Exploring topics regarding science will enhance my abilities of communicating with a range of people in a variety of contexts whilst also allowing me to understand the text types (e.g. website and articles), which will contribute to my ability of accessing, analyzing and selecting appropriate primary and secondary sources. Hence my literacy capability can be further developed, which will also allow me to compose a range of texts—written, oral, visual and multimodal to explore and answer my research project

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