
Does Medea Have No Sympathy For Jason Essay

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‘Although we may sympathise with Medea’s’ plight, Jason is worthy of nothing more than our contempt’ Do you agree?
Euripides Greek tragedy, Medea follows the feud of the relationship between the protagonist Medea, and the antagonist, her disloyal husband Jason. Although Jason’s actions are unforgiveable, his decisions to leave Medea did not authorise the actions of revenge that Medea took to guarantee Jason’s complete downfall. Medea’s situation of exile that she has been placed in is a result of her lover Jason’s decision to leave her and marry a younger female, as a result of this it helps the reader sympathise and have remorse with Medea, but does not lead us to approve of her actions of revenge, anger and vengeance. From a readers perspective Jason deserves absolutely little to no sympathy for his actions against Medea. Medea saw the injustices of Jason go unpunished, so she took matters into her own hands, so that Jason may finally regret his decision and …show more content…

Euripides helps position the reader to further show no sympathy for Jason for the actions from Medea. Whether killing his two children or killing Jason’s love interest Glauche, the reader is reminded that even without them, Jason will have a more sustainable life than Medea. In Corinth, there was no gender equality; there were no shared rights. The simple pecking order was that men were far more superior to women, who ultimately were seen as inferior compared to men. Women had no rights, thus meaning they could not have their voice heard, they were rarely allowed to do anything they wanted, women would always follow what their husbands told them to do. The misogynistic mindset that men have towards women is astounding, the quote by Jason ‘if only there were some

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