Does Natural Aggression Really Exist?
Chances are, you’ve heard of the term “natural aggression”. Usually its used to refer to certain breeds of dogs which are believed to be more prone to instigating attacks. The most common breeds to fall under this belief are Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds, among others. Basically, “natural aggression” suggests that certain breeds are predisposed to aggressive, violent behavior. However, is natural aggression real? First, it’s important to understand what aggression is. What is Aggression?
Aggression is a normal aspect of behavior for all animals. This includes humans as well as dogs. That being said, is there such a thing as heightened aggression in certain dog species over
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Thus, while aggression may seem unprovoked, the dog is likely actually responding to something which they have been taught to regard with suspicion and even hostility. Breeds as a whole aren’t any more likely to show hostility on the simple basis of genetic makeup. What distinguishes some breeds from others in terms of aggression, however, is their strength and ability to do harm. After all, a Miniature Pinscher growling at a stranger passing by is likely to evoke a different response than a Pit Bull doing the same. The reason being that the Pit Bull, aside from already being associated with elevated levels of aggression and hostility thanks largely in part to their popularity in the dog fighting circuit, is a fairly large and powerful dog. Thus, a growling Pit Bull will likely be perceived as more aggressive and dangerous than a growling Miniature Pinscher. While the latter dog may be dismissed as reacting to some kind of fear, the Pit Bull will likely be accused of acting on some innate sense of anger and violence that is genetically linked to its …show more content…
While aggressive behaviors may seem unprovoked they ultimately have some cause, even if we don’t always see it right away. Chances are, the dog is responding, likely out of fear, to something. Its important to look at potential triggers and try to understand why the dog is responding in a certain way to those triggers. Aggression can be caused from a variety of sources both neurological, physical, and environmental. Heightened aggression can also be the result of poor training or a lack of proper socialization from an early age. Be sure to take all of these factors into consideration when determining the cause of aggression for a dog. Too often “natural aggression” is a label used to excuse aggressive behaviors without actually getting to the real cause of them. Because of this, the real underlying problems in a dog’s behavior is never addressed. In short, does natural aggression exist? The answer: only because we’ve created
Pit bulls do not inherit dangerous characteristics, it is the way the owner trains the dog. Every other breed of dogs has bitten a human before. Pit bulls guard people’s houses from burglars and just people in general they guard. Pit bulls are not even in the top five aggressive dogs! The most aggressive breed of dogs is a wiener dog. Pit bulls love adults and children.
B. According to Cesar Millan “All dogs can become aggressive, but the difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and an aggressive pit bull is that the pit bull can do more damage. That's why it's important to make sure you are a hundred percent ready for the responsibility if you own a 'power' breed, like a pit bull, German shepherd, or Rottweiler” (Millan, 2001-2016).
There are aggressive dogs in any breed of dog and all breeds of dogs are capable of becoming dangerous in the wrong hands. The factors that cause dangerous dogs include:
Contrary to population beliefs in society, Pit Bulls not as aggressive than they are thought to be. According to testing by The National Canine Temperament Testing Association, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Border Collies, English Setters, and a number of many other breeds are considered more likely to become aggressive than the breeds known as Pit Bulls. While the
We pay attention to the ones that look the most threatening, like Pit Bulls. Pit bulls should not be labeled an aggressive breed because an animal's environment can affect how the act towards other dogs and people, other breeds can have more or the same aggressive level as Pit Bulls, abuse is the main factor in all animal aggression and the way dogs are trained can also affect aggression.
People in the public are lead to believe that Pit Bulls are bred only as fighting dogs and that they are aggressive to other dogs and humans. It is unfortunately true that some Pit Bulls are bred for fighting but, not all are. There is a small percentage overall of Pit Bulls that are used as fighting dogs, mostly Pit Bulls are family dogs. “Some pit bulls were selected and bred for their fighting ability. That means that they may be more likely than other breeds to fight with dogs. It doesn’t mean that they can’t be around other dogs or that they’re unpredictably aggressive. Other pit bulls were specifically bred for work and companionship. These dogs have long been popular family pets, noted for their gentleness, affection and loyalty.” (Position). This states that not all Pit Bulls are threatening and have a desire to fight. I believe that dog fighting is wrong and should be illegal throughout the United States. Dog fighting is a very popular underground form of entertainment.
Dogs simply need to spend time with other dogs as well as, become accustomed to different people. Pit Bulls tend to be sensitive and get their feelings hurt easily, so in essence with the proper care they tend to be very friendly, even with strangers so they don’t make the best guard dog (BadRap). They also have tendencies to excel with bomb detection, and as therapeutic aids because they are highly intelligent along with having tendencies to live playful lives (BadRap). Severe shyness, fearfulness, and directed human aggression is not desirable in any dog (BadRap). Human aggression is something that I firmly believe leads to the dog having an extreme aggressive behavior. Although, people have named these dogs as the face of an aggressive dog “problem”, they are using them for banned actions. Dogfighting has become illegal in all fifty states; Pit Bulls were put into this type of situation by their owners and the media capitalized on it through stereotypical images and myths that dragged the image of the breed down (BadRap). A well-known case of dogfighting would go back to Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels.
The ASPCA claims that even Pit Bulls bred for relentless fighting aren't always rowdy. Much like how there are stereotypes, there are dog stereotypes. Stereotypes are not okay for humans, so why do we let it slide for dogs? According to Animal Planet, "bully" breeds can be gentle when correctly cared for. A Pit Bull's aggressive nature is just a ridiculous stereotype that you shouldn't believe.
Pit bulls were bred to fight, they are biologically more violent than other dog breeds because they were selectively bred to be that way.
When you mention the words Pit Bull, many times people immediately begin talking about the statistics of them attacking other people as well as other dogs. A survey was conducted in 2009 of attack percentages of Pit Bulls compared to other breeds such as Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Chows. Among this survey, the Pit Bull breed scored the lowest with a 0.00125 and the highest being the Rottweiler with a score of 0.00433 ( On the website, it states that Pit-Bulls are the leading culprit in dog attacks, this is just a broad statistic which does not adequately explain whether these attacks were of
ii. According to the Pit Bull Rescue Central web site, pit bulls have never been bred for human aggression. In fact, Pit Bulls were bred to be loyal, tolerant, and loving toward people, especially children.(Pit Bull Rescue Central website, accessed April 4, 2012)
Incase we’ve forgotten, all dogs are descendants of the wolf. Somewhere along the line we assumed that because the dog has been domesticated that we no longer have anything to fear. This concept, however, isn’t true. All animals act instinctively, they don’t act accordingly to their training. As long as their owners are present they might behave properly but who is to say how they will act when their owner is no longer present. We have to remember that we all have that flight or fight mode and therefore when faced with fear or danger we might not act logically but instead instinctively. The reasons why a pit bull or any animal may attack are to protect, for territory, possession, out of fear, to defend, for social status, frustration, and when in pain (ASPCA, para. 7-13). The dogs’ wild relatives are territorial and they live in certain areas and defend their land from intruders. Anyone willing to enter will face a charging dog. Dogs are a social species and if left alone they would create small packs of family and other dogs. If one of them
The problem is that pit bulls have been bred by humans in the wrong way and that is what causes them to turn out to be an aggressive dog. Despite their accusations of violence, pit bulls can be a fine pet; the same as any other dog. Their behavior is not determined by their breed, but by the manner in which
Pit bulls by some, are believed to be violent, vicious creatures, however they are actually friendly, loving animals. There only violent at times because of their past. Pit bulls were bread for their fighting ability. There are lots of reports of pit bull attacks but are they really meaning to do it?
However, they were not actually born to fight. Other breeds may bite and cause