
Does Stereotypes Shape Society's View On Individuals With Disabilities

Decent Essays

Common stereotypes persons with disabilities shape society’s view on persons with disabilities. Also stereotypes and myth about person with disabilities at work creates increases unemployment of such persons. Unemployment as discussed above has negative thoughts on self-esteem. Stereotypes may have emanated from well-intended assumptions about the abilities and capabilities of persons with disabilities in general. However, unfinished explorations coupled with uncalled for generalizations have led to myth and stereotypes (Michailakis (2003). Stereotypes tend to homogenize persons without consideration of the uniqueness and diverseness that the persons may present (Murugami (2002). Most rehabilitation centers often deny persons with disabilities the rights of career choice (Yanchak (2005). When they fail to acquire career satisfaction, they end up abandoning their careers, dropping out of school, and begging (Murugami (2002). Stereotypes kill the dignity of the person, and create insecurities. Stereotypes condemn whole groups without looking and individuality (Henderson & Bryan, 2011). Stereotypes tend to formulate unhealthy and uneducated assumptions about persons of other cultures, looks, and disabilities which lead to a negative self-esteem and unhealthy self-concept. …show more content…

Forming stereotypes and myths about the abilities of persons with disabilities leads to few employment opportunities. Groups and individuals have overtime stereotyped and formed prejudice against persons with disabilities. Henderson & Bryan (2011) state several obstacles to employment of persons with disabilities in the forms of myths and stereotypes (pp.85-87). Listed below are summaries of these myths and

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