Does the government really have our best interests at heart? In the book Nimona by Noelle Stevenson the government clearly does not have the people's best interests at heart.In the book Nimona this statement is clearly represented by the institution when they are using jade root and when the institution traps Nimona. In the real world the belief statement is also represented by lobbyists and by non disclosure of information.
In the book Nimona the government goes against what is best for the people many times. One time was when they institution was using jade root. They didn’t have the people's best interest in heart because they were using the jade root ,which is a very deadly plant, behind the citizens back. The citizens didn’t find out about the jade root until Blackheart hacked into the institutions news broadcasting system and announced that the institution was using jade root (Stevenson 44). Also when the institution locked Nimona in the bubble made of jade root and forced her to shapeshift (Stevenson 191). This went against the people's best interest because Nimona
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The goal of a lobbyist is to petition members of the Congress, to vote on an issue that is important to their cause. Their cause is usually about making money for a corporation, and not for social justice or positive political action. Lobbyist can give money to members of congress in a roundabout way, like campaign contributions. Therefore, when it comes time to vote on an issue, that may matter to the people that the congress person is supposed to represent, they may already have been “bribed” by the lobbyist. So, the congressperson votes in will favor of where the got their money from and not in the best interest of the people. In that way the political process does not have the best interest of the people at
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.” -George Washington
government did not reflect their interests. This was proven true by the hurting taxes. The
Dating back many decades, it appears that lobbying and politics have always gone hand and hand on any political stage. Lobbying has always had a strong presence in the legislation system. Lobbying is the process of offering campaign contributions, bribes, or information to policymakers for the purpose of achieving favorable policy outcomes. Conventional wisdom suggests that lobbying is the preferred mean for exerting political influence in rich countries and corruption in poor countries. The legislation is meant to benefit society and ensure that citizens are having their voices heard, instead of hindering them in favour of the multi-national corporations. Lobbying has a negative influence on legislations in both developed and developing
Lobbyists frequently work at shake of an association, enterprise or gathering to push legislature benefiting that group’s interests or needs. Lobbyists understand all aspects of the legislative process so they can easily work with the individuals from Congress and other government authorities on the issues. They require an understanding of the issue itself, the same number of subjects are difficult to figure out and require research and different procedure. They collect background information, statistics and issues to support
In a normal government we expect the government to look out for the people that they are governing, but in this case they didn't watch out for their people at all. For example. In 1786, Shays' Rebellion occurred in western Massachusetts as a protest to rising debt and economic chaos. However, the national government was unable to gather a combined military force amongst the states to help put down the rebellion (kelly). During this event when the chaos broke out many people that were not part of the protest got hurt and the government couldn't control that.
The controversy surrounding political lobbying does not question the act of influencing public officials, but rather the ethics relating to how these public officials are influenced. It is important to distinguish the fine line between bribery and lobbying. It is illegal to bribe a public official in the United States. This would mean that an individual could not provide compensation to a public official for them to behave, or vote, in a specific manner. Lobbyists may donate money to a specific candidate’s political campaign, but they may only do so when there is no expectation that the public official will behave in a favorable way toward the lobbyist or their clients (Mackinder). Lobbyists may bring public officials, their immediate families, and staff on trips or out to dinner. While it is illegal for a lobbyist representing a corporate client from directly bringing, it is not illegal for foreign governments to sponsor for these said trips (Goldmacher). What has begun to happen is lobbyists representing corporate clients may bring public officials on these trips, if the trip is sponsored by a foreign government. The Senate Office of Public Records reported that $3.23 billion was spent on lobbying in 2013, with 12,300 registered lobbyists. Professor James Thurber, who teaches at American University, has studied congressional lobbying for over 30 years, and does not believe these figures are accurate. He believes
That ensures that the decisions being made by all and any levels of government are made with the people’s best interest in mind.
In a pluralist democracy like in the United States, interest groups have played a major role throughout the history through highly organized factions and are aimed at different levels of government. Lobbying is one of the tactics of the interest groups to aid their agenda through implementing new laws and regulations. "If you want to have your face in the light, you should have your back in the dark". Similarly, the influences of the interests groups and lobbyists have good and bad effects on the people and the society.
Since the beginning of humanity, there have always been the rulers, and the ruled. The rulers have always been the government, and the ruled has always been the people. One would believe that the government would be truthful and be interested in their people's well being, but clearly, this is not the case. In fact, lies are often more common than the truth. Facts are changed based on the governing party's current needs. The government wants to control their people, to have an unquestioning, thoughtless population that make them more powerful, as this is their main priority. As a generalisation, the government is more interested in their well-being than that of the people who drive it.
Both sides of the topic have gripping reasons why they feel the way they do. The supporters believe that lobbying is acceptable and contributes to a healthy democracy. In this light, lobbyists are simply seeking power within governmental and public affairs. In the United States our political system is based on power, authority, and legitimacy. One of our nation’s values is the fact that people can and should try to influence our political system; individuals have the power to bring attention to important issues, matters of public concern, and current problems. Supports argue that lobbying cannot contribute to the demise of American democracy. All these factors contribute to what is our political system and lobbyists are arguably doing their best to advocate for the people, even if huge sums of money are involved.
Our country was colonize by settlers that were looking for a way OUT of their own country in which leaders had too much power they were escaping dictatorship. They knew the consequences of leaders having too much power, which they suffer in their own skin sure this was one the first reasons they decided to leave in perused of freedoms that they didn’t have. With this being set when the time came to delegate power to the government they were sure not to give too much power to no one part of the government, limiting the power of the president not only to prevent their past to repeat but to also create a different type of government that they have never experience before. The limited power of the president is a great strategy of our funding
I feel that money is an important factor to lobbyist whose connection with people at the top is crucial. Representative Lloyd Doggett agrees that in most cases, “All the lobbying is focused on a handful of people at the top”(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01). It seems to me that major corporations have an easier time
Being the president who set out to escape the norms in achieving my goals for the American public and securing the national interests, I have persevered and illustrated periods of triumphs and have endured times of oppositions. Nonetheless, there have been improvements and disagreements throughout my time in the office. Over the course of these previous eight years, America has observed persistence in job increases, greater transparency, formidable economic growth, and an increase in jobs in the auto industry (Jackson). In a matter of time, I will be stepping out of the office and handing over my position to president-elect Donald TrumpI hope to have made a difference in the lives of the American public during my time in the office.
The role of government has developed throughout the years changing the way we view and act in society today. For example, the national government ensure that the citizens of the United States are all treated equally, applies law and order, and provides opportunities. The government has changed dramatically since we now have social media, newspapers, and the radio. However , not only has the government provided a strong impact in society in a positive way, but it has also impacted the society in negative ways. As a nation the public has found many imperfection in our government that they want to change. Public opinion has caused negative feedback through media and political participation . The government is trying to help the people by
As a citizen of the United States of America it is easy to get caught up with your day to day life and not realize everything going on around you. If you sit back and think about all the ways government affects you, you will be amazed. Let’s discuss our different levels of government, our federalist style of government, the pros and cons associated with our federalist style, the way government affects you daily, the private sector, as well as what things our government is involved in I feel is unnecessary.