
Does Transcendental Meditation Mean To Me

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What this knowledge means to my personal life.
I feel very fortunate enough to gain this knowledge of Science of Creative Intelligence and learned the technique of Transcendental Meditation. I had a wrong perception of meditation; I use to think the concept of meditation is only for the monks who can do this for their spiritual goals. It was all new learning and knowledge for me, which I am got due to maharishi’s efforts he made to make this possible. So far by the practice of transcendental meditation I have seen some changes in my body and mind, and by practicing more and more I am benefiting more. My parents, colleagues, friends also noticed the change in my behavior form what I was and now being so expressive and happy. My body feels energetic …show more content…

My focus towards my goals of academic studies and goals of future prospective is spontaneously growing and I have faith in myself and god and the TM technique which will help in accomplishing these goals of my life in effective and efficient manner. I will keep this knowledge with me like a precious diamond and hope this supports me in all aspects of life. With God’s blessing I have never spent my life in suffering and pain, so with this knowledge I will not even suffer in future life and will make best use of this knowledge to enlightenment not only in my life but in families, societies and will try to share this knowledge with friends and dear ones. Some changes that I experienced in work environment are …show more content…

If we analyze any traditions, Holy Scriptures, religions, human values, and government of any part of the World has similar objectives or purpose of life as it is in Transcendental Meditation values. All the great leaders of countries across the world has defined life is a creative intelligence which is the basis of unified field. All the spiritual leader of all religions says “God lies within us in every living being do not search in distant skies or outside you”. One who is aware about himself and the source of thought he will definitely find God within himself. By this we understand that the entire path is directed from within us which leads to enlightenment in life. Maharishi’s great efforts to share this unique technique of Transcendental Meditation in the world through his world plan; also he encouraged this technique to be scientifically verified. This technique is unique in variety of respects- effortless, systematically organized, mind body co-ordination and many physical benefits. This is a simple natural technique for anyone and everyone to progress in life towards

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