
Dog Fight Quotes

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Dog Fight: Cora K. Cherry tomatoes, green bell peppers, black olives, and... and. What else? What was it? Damn it!! I can't remember. Was it cucumbers? I think so. Well..... I don't really remember. Okay. Let's just say that. Marie is getting old anyways, she won’t remember. So, cherry tomatoes, green bell peppers, black olives, cucumbers, and Italian dressing. It wouldn't matter what anyways, Steven always likes my cooking. Plus, if I get it wrong, Marie can suck on my big toe. Hehe... Marie... sucking my toe. That would be funny. Hehe.... I can see it now. Suck on that, Marie. Wait, wait wait... That would be gross. I don't know where Marie's mouth has been through. That old lady eats figs, oats, beans, and cabbage. Ewwww. Yuck! Who eats cabbage? No one, that's who! So, no no no no no. That old lady's mouth won't come near anywhere close to my toes. She will probably rotten it. Bruce once told me that Marie eats live, wild animals. That her father was a cannibal and once teaching her how to hunt their prey, he taught her first …show more content…

I watched my back for the first 3 days, but then I forgot all about it. How can I forget!? How can I be so stupid? She could have eaten me at anytime in our sessions. OMG, I should start watching my back! Everyone's back! I should tell everyone! Why hasn't Bruce spread the word? Did she have a piece of him and threatened him if he ever dare told someone? Oh, god. What if she finds out he told me? She could get him killed, cook him, and make us eat him for dinner. I should not tell anyone then. But what if she attacks someone else. I should tell someone at least! Wait, No! I can't. They won't believe me. People already think I have a weird imagination, plus, Marie has everyone under her spell. I was even under it. So, I think it's better to keep quiet and just watch her every move. That is the only way I can keep my friends

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