
Dog Star In Greek Astronomy

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I've chosen the Canis Major constellation, I've chosen this one because I fancy dogs and I love the name Sirius and the star by itself; Canis Major contains Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, known as the "dog star", its bright because of its proximity to our Solar System. The constellation is best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of February and visible at latitudes between +60° and −90°.

In Greek Mythology, Canis Major represented the dog Laelaps (which is a gift from Zeus to Europa) or sometimes the hound of Procris, Diana's nymph; or the one given by Aurora to Cephalus, so famed for its speed that Zeus elevated it to the sky.
It was also considered to represent one of Orion's hunting dogs, pursuing Lepus the Hare or

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