I've chosen the Canis Major constellation, I've chosen this one because I fancy dogs and I love the name Sirius and the star by itself; Canis Major contains Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, known as the "dog star", its bright because of its proximity to our Solar System. The constellation is best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of February and visible at latitudes between +60° and −90°.
In Greek Mythology, Canis Major represented the dog Laelaps (which is a gift from Zeus to Europa) or sometimes the hound of Procris, Diana's nymph; or the one given by Aurora to Cephalus, so famed for its speed that Zeus elevated it to the sky.
It was also considered to represent one of Orion's hunting dogs, pursuing Lepus the Hare or
There are two strong contenders as to which mythical lion is represented by the constellation LEO.
I chose the constellation Andromeda because the back story and myths it has really fascinates me! I feel that some of the myths behind the consolations can be rather boring, but with the romance and danger all wrapped into one, I continue going back to it. This constellation is the 19th largest in the sky and is located in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere. It takes seven-hundred-twenty-two square feet in the sky!
I have chosen to use the constellation Andromeda. I chose it, because I did not know much about it and enjoyed doing a bit of research over this particular constellation. The constellation Andromeda was first catalogued by Ptolemy. It’s the nineteenth biggest constellation and the brightest start is Alpheratz.
My favorite constellation by far is the Gemini constellation. The Gemini constellation is my favorite because my star sign is Gemini. And it is fairly easy to spot in the night sky, although the best viewing month is in February.
Mythologists say that the constellation represents Laelaps, a dog so fast that no prey could outrun it. This dog had a long list of owners. The most likely version says that he was given by Zeus to Europa, whose son Minos, gave him to Procris. The dog was given to her along with a javelin that could never miss.
I have chosen the constellation Scorpius. I chose Scorpius because it is one of the most interesting looking constellations (in my opinion), and it contains many bright stars. Scorpius means scorpion in Latin, and it is a zodiac sign, although its name is changed to Scorpio. It is in the southern hemosphere, and it lies between Sagittarius and Libra.
“In the ancient world, dogs were depicted as wild animals that defied domestication, roamed the streets in packs and scavenged on the edge of town” (“Cerberus: Legendary Hell Hound of the Underworld”). Because of this, Cerberus was represented as a dog to represent the feared qualities humans back then saw in the ancient canine (“Cerberus: Legendary Hell Hound of the Underworld”). In the modern era, “one can even say that the archetypal hellhound used in modern horror and adventure movies are actually based on Kerberos” (“Cerberus”). Today, Cerberus is now used in many video games and movies to add excitement and more action to these forms of entertainment such as the Harry Potter series as well as the resident evil video games. In these examples, certain dogs and monsters often depict similar characteristics to Cerberus
My favorite constellation is Scorpius. I have chosen Scorpius because that is my Zodiac sign, and I have come to learn about it a lot in the past few years. Scorpius is Latin for "scorpion," and Scorpius is in between the constellation Libra to the west and Sagittarius to the east.
My favorite constellation is the Capricornus constellation. I don't know much about constellations, so this is my favorite mainly because in astrology (and I'm aware it's different from astronomy) my sign is Capricorn. Capricornus is supposed to create the image of a goat with the tail of a fish. This is because Capricorn has this form, and so the constellation is based off of the astrological zodiac.
I chose the constellation of Aries because of it's fascinating history and it's story in mythology. It's located in the northern hemisphere between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. It's name is latin for ram and because of that it's sign represents ram's horns. This constellation possesses only four stars: Hamal(Alpha Arietis, second magnitude ) , then Sheratan ( Beta Arietis, third magnitude ) and at last Mesarthim and 41 Arietis ( both of them Gamma Arietis, forth magnitude ).
The constellation I've chosen is Orion "The Hunter", because it is one of the most well known constellations in the night sky. It is one of the few I know and can point out in the night sky, although usually I can only see the belt. Orion also has my favorite star in it; the Betelguese red giant. When I was younger, I read a lot of astronomy books, and I remember reading about red giants and how big they were. That really interested me, because it was just so mind blowing at the time how unfathomably large space is.
I have chosen the Pegasus constellation. I chose this because I love the mythical story of the Pegasus, and have wanted one since I was a little kid.The constellation appears high in the sky towards the end of summer, and continues through fall. The a Peg, B Peg, Y Peg, and andromedae Stars make up the square of this constellation. The front legs are made of two rows of stars. This is the third biggest constellation in the sky.
Since ancient times, the dog has been man’s best friend. They have been regarded as an important family member which can be used to hunt, to herd, and to watch over their families from invaders. They were known as the loyal companions of man. However, did you know that in ancient times, there were also dogs which were believed to be a companion of the gods? According to a report by the rover.com, there is a dog which used to serve as a prophet of the gods.
The constellation I have chosen is Cancer. I chose this constellation because it is my zodiac sign. Naturally, I found it interesting to learn about and write an essay on my discovery and creation theory. Cancer is Latin for "Crab", The name was chosen because the representation of the the constellation is in fact a crab. The constellation is 506 sq. degrees and made up of faint stars.
The constellation I have chosen is taurus ,the bull, one of the constellation's of the zodiac located in the northern hemisphere.