I do not think the bring your dog to work Program is such a good idea. I will explain several reasons i do not agree with this program, even if the program is a great idea it does not mean it is good for the company or employees. First of all, not everyone likes dogs or is comfortable around them. Some employees may be terrified of dogs! Do you really want to see a employee hiding on top of office furninture ,or, in broom closets, instead of being productive in the work place? The answer is no,we want workers to come into work and be productive. Not only is employees being anxious a example of why this idea is not so great. Secondly, not everybodys dogs are potty trained. Plus dogs shedding in the work place. Both of these issues create
Dogs, in my opinion, make very wonderful pets. Allowing a dog into a workplace makes sense in some ways, but I would definetly not support it. People who support the idea claim they would feel more relaxed, have less stress, and be more
I, along with the author of, "Against Bringing Dogs to Work," believe that dogs should not be allowed in the workplace because they can be a distraction or harm other employees or property.
I'm very surprised on this idea about bringing pets to work. Office is a place where we are supposed to be focus on work we are allow to accomplish so bringing pets in my opinion is one kind of distractions.
I think "Bring Your Dog To Work" would be a great idea. One, having your dog at work will make you feel more relaxed. Two, having your dog at work will allow you to be more productive. But, there's one thing that makes this idea bad...
I am quite the animal lover and I believe this idea should be well thought over. Not everyone would agree with this idea to have your dog in the work place do to alergies or they could even be afraid of your dog. To help
My postion on wether dogs should be allowed in the workplace is that i disagree.I disagree because i think it is not healthy for the work inviroment.Some people are not comfortable around dogs and others have allergies.Some dogs also have behavior problems as well.So here are some more reason why i do not agree with a dog being in the work place.
I support our decision on Bring Your Dog to Work program. I think it could be a really good idea. Especially, for those who have no pet sitters at home. It can be a real productive thing, if people took it seriously.
I am apposed to anyone bringing a dog to work. My opinion is based on many factors including workplace and owner liability, a proffesional environment and the possibility for health or sanitary concerns arrising.
Although many dogs work for human, it is not ethical to treat every kind of animals as property. The animals are first independent living things, then they are workers for human. Just like human, none of the employers would treat their employees as property, because every one of us is equal. Working for someone does not mean that we are worse than anyone else. One of our misunderstanding to animals is that we always think we are better than animals mentally, but in fact, animals can feel, sense, and think more than human. Gus, a therapy dog that is mentioned in the reading Therapy Dogs, can sense the voice of loneliness of the patient and immediately knows the patient needs his company, which human
I believe that having dogs in a work place may be more of a nuisance than a benefit. Not all dogs are behaved well or responnd well to new enviornments. Also some people are allergic to dogs which would cause a whole new hassle of it's own because though some people may be less stressed the people with allergies suffer the whole time at work.
Another thing that is mentioned is, what if the dog behaves bad. It may cause co-workers to lose focus on their jobs. The company would be responsible for any matters that happened at work.
I think alot of people do believe that takeing there animal with them to work is are would be a good idea and would improve there workplace,but i don't think a bring your dog to work program is a good idea. My first reason is not all people can be around dogs are anyother animals due to allergy's. Some people are also affraid of dogs because they have had a bad experience with a dog mabe had one bit them are worse. Dogs at work with you would more than likely cause alot of stress mental and possibly physical as well because they get to trying to play are something and knock things over causeing damage to office equipment. I also believe dogs are unsanitary and spread germs by licking those around them.
My opinion on the bring your dog to work program is, it really depends on the type of workplace you are bringing them to, here are the reasons why i think that
I think we can all agree that many workplaces can be stressful at times and having your pet there would certainly help ease tensions for the owner. Personally i think its a great idea for myself but would never expect an employer to allow me to do so. The possible advantages to that are not likely to outweigh the chances that
should you be able to bring dog to the workplace? i believe you should be able to bring your dog to the work place. why? well i will tell you why.