
Domestic Arrangements By Susan Lichtman Analysis

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Susan Lichtman’s “Domestic Arrangements” is showing in the Art Gallery. The exhibition runs from March 12 through Friday, April 22. The exhibition is organized by the interns in the Barton Art Gallery which curated by Maureen O’Neil. On Thursday, March 17, the Barton Art Galleries and the Barton College Friends of Visual Arts hosted a reception at 5 p.m. for the “Domestic Arrangements” exhibition by Lichtman.
When asked about her painting, Lichtman shared, “I think my idea of beauty in painting has to do with the tension between the depiction of deep space and the properties of shape and surface. I see that tension in interior paintings of artists I love best, from Roman wall painting to De Hooch, Vuillard, Bonnard, and Gwen John. Sunlight

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