
Domestic Preparedness Cycle Essay

Decent Essays

The Homeland Security Bill directly impacts the domestic preparedness cycle because emergency management became a primary duty of the Department of Homeland Security (Cordner, 2016). In addition, the newly formed federal agency created a six point agenda that identified specific goals, which directly contribute to domestic preparedness cycle (Cordner, 2016). Let us examine these goals and identify how they relate to the domestic preparedness cycle starting with prevention. Some of the initial six goals created by the Department of Homeland Security directly contribute to the prevention phase of domestic preparedness cycle. The goals of increasing overall preparedness for catastrophic events, strengthening border security and border enforcement and reforming immigration processes, and enhancing information sharing with our partners exhibit a direct …show more content…

The goal of creating better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely and efficiently attribute to the protection phase of the domestic preparedness cycle. The ability to move cargo safely and efficiently through our national ports makes them an economically critical infrastructure, which coincides with the Department of Homeland Security’s initial goals and the domestic preparedness cycle (Cordner, 2016). The response phase of the domestic preparedness cycle parallels the goals of information-sharing and increasing overall preparedness, which lead to the creation of the National Incident Management System. The National Incident Management System established a common set of terms and procedures used during multiagency coordination, unified command, and the identification of equipment, resources, and common protocols for processing events and disseminating information regarding an incident (Cordner, 2016, p. 433). The standardization of communication and procedures display how the Department of Homeland Security goals and the

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