
Domestic Violence Sociology

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The pattern of behavior which includes violence in many ways such as physical, sexual, emotional, and economic aspects is known as domestic violence. There are several different groups of people who are becoming the victim of domestic violence such as immigrant communities, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community, Women with Disabilities, Elderly Women, and Employees/Colleagues etc. If we talk about immigrant’s language and cultural differences act as a barrier for their safety especially in a country where the laws are not implemented properly, many of them are unfamiliar with the rules and regulation of the country due to which they are sometime exploited. Moreover, immigrants in many countries are not preferred for a job despite …show more content…

Over 11% of gay and lesbian youth report being physical attacked by family members (Hetrick-Martin Institute, 1988). 42% of homeless youth, many of whom have run away from home to escape violence, self-­identify as gay/lesbian (Victim Services, 1991). Sometimes we may believe that females are the victim and males are the abuser, this mindset rules out the possibility of violence between the same genders. Therefore there is a need to understand the possibility of violence between the same sex as well in order to treat those people accordingly who are affected from violence. The violence shutters the confidence of queer people and survivors that may even have to fear further violence and harassment from the people they turn to for help and therefore despite having special services available for queer people they still fell hesitant to use …show more content…

Household factors, individual factors, community and societal factors are the economic factors that contribute to domestic violence. Household factor includes size, density and violence history. Individual factor includes age, gender, education level and employment status. Whereas community and societal factors include poverty level, crime rate and environmental conditions. Firstly if we talk look into the household factors we know that according to the 1999 study conducted by psychologists found that violence is a learned behavior and is passed down through generations and therefore violence in the childhood of a child increases the chances of individual to become violent in their own home for example in Chile 44% of the population was living in poverty due to which they have poor standard of life and low socioeconomic status which increases the domestic violence in a country. The low socioeconomic status and poor living standard bring discomfort and frustration in life due to which people tend to do those things that cause domestic violence. Moreover the poor economic condition of a country also results in domestic violence since people find it hard to get a job and therefore they have more time to spent at home which causes more birth of children and less money to feed them and that ultimately leads towards hunger and frustrations. Unemployment also causes the crime rate to increase since people

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