
Domestic Violence: Victims Of Domesti Stalking

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Domestic Violence happens when a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over the other intimate partner. Domestic violence can be shown in many different ways such as, physical emotional, sexual, financial, and spiritual. Other forms of domestic violence include stalking and dating violence. Domestic violence can be used in other terms including, domestic abuse, family violence, wife abuse and or battering. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures, ages and within both genders. It can also occur with married or unmarried partners, and between same sex couples. Also, domestic violence does not always have to occur within relationships that are sexually intimate. It can include other family members besides the partner for example: children, parent, and siblings. Victims of …show more content…

Stalking is considered a form of abusive behavior within domestic violence because of the danger the victim faces even after leaving an abusive relationship. Many victims of domestic violence have seemed to experience stalking behavior form their current or previous intimate relationship partner. Examples of stalking include: sending gifts or notes that are not wanted, repeated phone calls or showing up at the victims work place, and other way stalkers may invade in a victim’s life. The stalker might become more frequent when he or she tries to gain that control they once had or even gain more control over the victim, some of which the stalkers actions may come from the loss of the previous relationship. Most stalkers behavior may escalate and can lead to threats or can result in physical violence. All 50 states today have implied an anti-stalking law that protects orders against victims. Also, not all states treat stalking as a felony, most first offence stalking charges are misdemeanor, after the third offence that person can be charged with a

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