
Don Corleone Presupposition

Decent Essays

In data 3, Don Corleone talks to Johny. They both talk about Johny’s career lately. Presuppositions that can be derived from the data 3 come from utterance ‘I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse’, verb ‘make’ in the utterance is include as factive presupposition. Since, it describes a fact that will be done by Don Corleone. The writer found that Don Corleone forced someone to obey him. He will do anything in order to make his target does not refuse his wants. The utterance ‘make him an offer he can’t refuse’ asserted that the target must agree with him no matter what, where normally word ‘offer’ used for an invitation by one side while, the other side could accept or refuse it. Concerned the short dialogue above the writer notices a

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