In the article, Don’t Blame the Eater, David Zinczenko focuses on the reason behind the obesity problem that the young generation is facing. According to him, the large chains of fast-food restaurants, given their availability around the country, and low prices are the ones causing this problem. He brings in his own life experience, and tells the story of transforming into a 212 pounds teenager to highlight that he had to rely on these fast food chains for everyday meal. With a single mother working long hours, he had no other alternatives to this like many American teens. The lack of information about the calorie content of the dishes on these restaurants was an added concern. Most of these restaurants do not provide enough data about the calorie content of their dishes, and even if they do so its mostly vague and deceiving. To show the gravity of the problem he pulls out a statistics of an increase in type 2 diabetes, declaring it as a cause for expenses billions of dollars in healthcare. Zinczenko implies that this impact is as serious as smoking; fast food should have a warning label to raise awareness among the consumers. He addresses these food chains as vulnerable and alerts them that they will find themselves in trouble unless they look out for their purchasers. He added the detrimental effects these food habits can have in our society at some point. Zinczenko does a good job in taking down on the restaurants, however, his approach was irrational. He takes this
In the article “Don’t Blame the Eater”, author David Zinczenko, the editor -in-chief of Men’s Health magazine comments on the lawsuit against McDonald’s which is initiated by the overweight children’s parents. He claims that fast-food industry should accept full responsibility for a serious public problem: leading American kids to obesity. Zinczenko supports his claim with his personal experience to show how the fast-food chains marketing on them with low price. He also said it is not easy for those obese kids to turn their lives back. He believes this should be considered as a public health problem because their obesity causes the society huge public health losses. Zinczenko insists that if fast-food industry doesn’t take actions quickly, it is only a matter of time for them to become the next tobacco industry.
In the essay, “Don’t Blame the Eater”, David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine, discusses the recent lawsuits against fast-food chains. He does not deny that there should be a sense of personal responsibility among the public, but has sympathy for the kid consumers because he used to be one. Zinczenko argues that due to the lack of nutritional facts and health warnings, it’s not so ridiculous to blame the fast-food industry for obesity problems.
Don’t blame the eater by David Zinczenko is an essay that talks about the obesity crisis in America with the youth. David argues that childhood obesity is mainly caused by the easy access to fast no healthy foods. This essay is an effective argument because he reflects back o0n his own personal experience, sites information from health institutes and breaks down the calories from an unknown fast food restaurants healthier options
Increasing the options of fast food restaurants in America gave society different choices of where they can choose to go eat. Some restaurants may be cheaper than others, but what society didn’t realize was the cheaper the restaurant the more calories the food contains. The consumers didn’t seem to realize or have a problem with these cheaper companies until some consumers sued the company for getting them fat. This caused children to sue Mcdonald's the company for making the consumers get fat. For this reason, according to the author David Zinczenko it is a problem that people are not informed on how many calories the food they're eating contains. He has the credibility to be trusted by his audience
With obesity rates increasing at a high rate, David Zinczenko, author of “Don't Blame the Eater”, tells his readers about his argument about how it's not the fault of the children consuming so much fast food. He works as a nutrition and wellness editor for ABC News. Before working for ABC News he was also an editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazines as well as editorial director of Women’s Health magazines. Past jobs and the job he has now put him in an appropriate position to publish his thoughts on obesity. His intended audience for this essay are the fast food industries and also the people who laugh at the children for trying to sue for being obese. Zinczenko has written an effective argument by establishing himself as an authoritative
In the article, Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko, he argues that the fast food industry is to blame for making kids sick and obese. Throughout the article, Zinczenko asks several questions to help relay his arguments. He starts the article with a pathos approach which helps introduce readers to the subject while sharing stories of how he relates to the topic. By sharing his own experiences, David shows his creditability to the readers. David’s early life was that of a typical 1980’s teen.
In his essay, “Don’t Blame the Eater”, David Zinczenko brings forward his points about how the American fast food system needs to have a change or there will be serious consequences for the future of American children. Zinczenko presents an argument largely based on facts from sources such as the Center for Disease Control and the actual websites from these fast food chains to bring to light what is going on with the state of American health and how it relates to fast food companies. In one paragraph he breaks down a salad from a prominent fast food chain. He lists the calories that the website lists, (150 food calories) then goes on and show that a normal person eating that salad would most likely consume around 1,040 calories (Zinczenko
While a budget might indicate that a specific government or agency has financial trouble and debt because of excess spending or mismanagement within the select grouping of general fund accounts presented, the CAFR may indicate, in whole, the same government entity, has many facets possessing large holdings considerably over what is shown in a budget report.
Who would have thought that people would start suing fast food corporations for making them fat or obese? Roughly 600,000 people have died due to obesity, such as heart failures. Fast food has been around since the 19th century. Lawyers have tried to file several lawsuits towards this. Not just Americans need to realize this. The situation should be an international problem to society. As a society, people need to wake up and become aware that obesity is killing nearly as many citizens as cigarettes are. 16 through 27 year olds need to do their best to prevent the consumptions of unhealthy foods. They’re the next generation, a change needs to occur. People are responsible for what they put in their own mouths. Fast food is getting popular by the day because of the cheap price that has its benefits. Consumers should eliminate the consumption of all unhealthy foods because it leads to obesity, heart failures, and diabetes.
In today’s society a huge issue is that we constantly hear about the food industry in America. We often hear in the news that obesity rates have increased, or that Americans have many diseases that contribute to being obese. “What You Eat is Your Business” by Radley Balko expresses that people are at fault for making such unhealthy food choices. Others argue that the food industry is to blame for being so unhealthy. According to David Zinczenko in “Don’t Blame the Eater” he blames the fast food industry as well as the consumer. Zinczenko asks “shouldn’t we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast food restaurant’s?” (392). So, who is to blame for American’s eating so much unhealthy food? Should it be the consumers’ burden or the fast food companies? On one hand, as consumers we continue to purchase foods that we know are making us overweight. On the other hand, fast food companies continue to offer high in calories foods.
In David Zinczenko’s article “Don’t Blame the Eater” he focuses on the fast food industry and their role in the increasing health and obesity issues of our nation’s children, as well as these issues potentially becoming a serious problem that we will all have to deal with if we collectively don’t do something about it now. When it comes to the topic of fast food, most of us can agree that it is not the best source of nutrition. It is unhealthy and can be the cause of many serious health issues with our children such as obesity related Type 2 diabetes, stomach ulcers and even heart disease, high cholesterol, sleep apnea or even cancer. We can even agree that fast-food diets are a major contributing factor to
Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. It is also a major health issue affecting many adults and children in the US every year. In his article "Don't Blame the Eater," David Zinczenko sympathizes with children who are suing McDonald’s making them fat. In his own experience as a “latchkey kid”, he knows how easily fast food makes teenagers put on weight with a steady diet of fast food meals. Zinczenko argues that both lack of fast food alternative companies and lack of providing nutrition information contribute to childhood obesity.
The article “Don't Blame The Eater,” written by David Zinczenko evokes readers the crucial impact that fast food restaurants have in today's nation's youth causing them to be over weight and have type 2ndiabetes. Throughout Zinczenko's argument he makes the reader view the consumer as a victim yet on the other hand, what he is trying to persuade us to believe by using logos,pathos,and ethos in his argument is that the food industry is the one making the nation's youth to increase obesity. The capacity of impressive questions and personal experience, he composed in the text he is able to comprehensively argue against the fast food industry. The author persuades us right away by starting of with a question: “Kids taking on McDonald's this
The article “Don’t Blame the Eater", by David Zinczenko talks about how a group of people are suing McDonald’s for making them fat. Zinczenko shares his experience on how fast food has effect his childhood and teenage years. He explains how teenagers can put on weight with a fast food and part of the problem is the lack in nutritional information about fast food. In addition, he speaks about fast food and the companies behind it.
Throughout many years, food has grown to become more controversial and celebrated subject in America. Some say we should eat whatever we want while others declare that we must have control over our diet. However, these opinions become heated when it comes to food and obesity. Even though these writers share similar feelings, they take different approaches to this issue. The articles showcase the various dilemmas and the people involved in the business of fast food. Each and every day, franchises like McDonald’s and Burger King gain more customers and money. No matter what, McDonald’s and Burger King will always be here. Likewise, obesity will always be an issue in America. Fast food is distinctively part of American culture. By connecting and discussing three articles on the subject, I will show you that there will never be any solution. Americans today do not like it when food becomes more fearful and less of a comfort. Black and white doesn’t work in a gray world. As long as time allows, the golden arches will stand tall.