
Donald Super Concept

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Introduction to Life-Span, Life-Space Career development involves the integration of psychological, sociological, educational, physical, economic, and chance factors that provide the basis for a career over an individual's life (Isaacson. 1986). Career development is, in fact, a lifelong process. (Isaacson, 1986, p. 17). Donald Super is primarily responsible for changing the definition of vocational guidance from “the process of assisting an individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon it, and progress in it” to the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated and adequate picture of himself (sic) and of his role in the world of work, to test this concept against reality, and to convert it into reality, with satisfaction to himself and to society. (Niles, S.G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. 2013). Super’s multidiciplianry approach to studying career development incorporated contributions from economics and sociology while placing career behavior in the context of human development. Among the many important theoretical contributions of originally suggested the important role of the self-concept in career development in a 1949 Donald Super was his emphasis on career development as a process of self-concept implementation. Super speech made in Fort Collins, Colorado, and later published in 1951. As Donald Super stated in his 1953 American Psychologist article: The process of vocational development is essentially that of developing and implementing

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