Donald Trump is a very succesful business man. He knows what he's doing when it comes to making money. I don't imagine becoming just like him because he has had a lot of experience with money and using it in a smart way. If my life progressed ideally I would have a good income and plenty of money invested and saved for activities (vacation,eating out, etc.) if I'm only moderately succesfull then I will have decent money coming in and i would have to save a lot more money for activities and bills because I would not have as much money to spend/save. If nothing works out properly I'll be a bum. But that won't happen. I think I can definitely acheive most if not all of my goals but there are some thing I don't think I could do like solve world
Whether or not one believes it is positive or negative, it is clear that the current president has displayed ruthless ambition in his career. My collage shows some of the examples of the billions of dollars Trump has as well as his television appearances. It also shows some examples of the consequences the country is facing with such an inexperienced president. Someone like Donald trump who is born into money is almost promised it as an adult. It’s as if him being a successful businessman was prophesied. Much like Macbeth, when something is hypothesized, it seems more logical to do whatever you can to make something come true, with no regard to consequences. Being ambitious is not a negative trait, it leads to a determination to grow and better
Imagine that Donald Trump wasn't a businessman? I think he brought up the stocks, they are high. He is a President for the United States. He has or had four different businesses. He was in a Reality TV show. Donald trump has different talents and that he is a Renaissance man.
Since he has no background in politics, he has no way to predict how he will act as a President. Many of his supporters believe he is a successful businessman, thus will help strengthen the economy. That is not exactly the case. Although Trump is famous on both social media, has had television shows such as ‘The Apprentice’, and has authored multiple books, his career is not successful. Trump is proved to have filed for bankruptcy at least four times in his career.
Article 1: New York Times “Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment” ; Written by: Matt Elegendor and Micharl Barbaro.
Trump’s first 100 days took a chief executive approach; busy, bold, and tons of hard work and dedication. Trump completed and has accomplished more in office in 100 days than any other President since FDR. Before he took office and swear oath, he said there will be major changes. He wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare, change some illegal immigration rights, and pursue tax overhaul. Some say his results are mixed, are they really? Has he been successful in his first 100 days? As a republican, I highly agree and support Trump during his 100 days in office. He got stuff done to fix the country like he said he would.
Trump may be known for his wealth but many aspects has shown that he is definitely bad in business. As president, being good in business is one of the key aspects to succeed, because you have to handle the whole nation’s financial matters. Trump boasted that he earned his own money, but he isn’t like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, who are self-made billionaires who were innovators in their fields. Instead, Trump’s wealth is inherited from his father. Almost all his best-known successes are deducible to family ties or money given to him by his
Regardless of a person’s political affiliations, one thing everyone can agree on is the success of the Republican candidate for president, Donald J. Trump. To a casual observer of Trump’s campaign, it may have looked like the entire process was chaotic and lacked unity; however, it was far from that. Donald Trump realized early on that he was not a politician and instead of lamenting on that fact, he turned it into a selling point. Trump used prior fame, unreasonable policies and misdirection to gain the vote of the largest voting demographic, the white Midwest working class.
This history its change by the president Donald Trump in the way he is .
In today’s society, we are only entitled to make someone of ourselves if we are a victim with a hard-luck story. Some may say that Trump had been born with “a silver spoon in his mouth”, but they do not know the truth. Throughout his life, Trump has fought through bankruptcy and had to start over numerous times. However, he is more about wealth creation and he has a personal drive to accumulate wealth. America desperately needs someone with this mentality because we have drifted so far from seeking respect and instead expect people to hand things out to us instead of working for them.
Should you ever have to wonder if your president should actually be the president? If he even likes the people he’s in leadership over? I want to inform any and everyone that Donald Trump is not the right person to lead this this country.
As American citizens, it is our obligation to set up a future for the next generation.We have not achieved this goal yet. Right now America is divided.
It was February of 2016. I took a Thursday off of school to go see one of the most controversial and decisive people in the world, Donald Trump. Donald Trump, since his announcement of presidency in the summer of 2015, has been the number one news story for the past year. His talking points on contentious positions of immigration and a revision of modern day politics as a whole. I have been supporting him since December of last year, so I went with my father to see him in person. The crowd was filling in, with about 1,500 people going to see what he was going to say. The rally was during the time of the primaries, when he was competing against Little Marco and Lyin’ Ted. The crowd was waiting anxiously to hear Trump speak. Out of nowhere, Chris
Amidst the prime-time republican presidential debate broadcasted at the Reagan Library, all eleven candidates including Donald Trump had something to prove. A record 23 million people tuned in to watch the dispute. Early in the debate, Donald Trump was the obvious forerunner amongst his peers. He came in with the most support and confidence, and as an individual he couldn’t be tainted; despite all of the attacks made against him in those three hours, Trump stood his ground. Quick wittedly answering questions from the podium ranging from foreign policy to child vaccines. Furthermore, Trump had the spotlight throughout the entire debate; he was persistent in answering a variety of questions and gaining support via the audience as well as his fellow nominees.
At age 53, a good decade and a half after he came to national prominence, Donald Trump is possibly the most famous businessman in America. According to the Gallup Organization, fully 98% of Americans know who he is. Bill Gates and Ross Perot also score in the high 90s. None of the other grandees of American business—not Jack Welch, not Warren Buffett, not Steve Jobs, not Ted Turner—even come
The self-made man is often portrayed as a story of rags to riches. A person who overcomes any obstacle thrown at him/her and defies all odds. These stories incite a reaction in readers, often leaving them in awe. How can a person become so successful, even though the universe is seemingly against them? The truth Malcolm Gladwell uncovered in his novel “Outliers” is the people at the top of the ladder did not have everything stacked against them. Gladwell says that there is no such concept as a self-made man. Successful people have been helped along the way by a variety of reasons, such as how wealthy their family was, to their birth month. While I feel that there is no such thing as a self-made man because circumstance and motivation are a key factor in how successful one becomes, I feel as if a person’s luck has a lot to deal with them thriving in their career.