
Donald Trump Blame

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Unless you live under a rock, I am sure you are aware of President Donald Trump's ongoing feud with the media. It always seems as if Mr. Trump is to blame for everything… but can you really blame him for not wanting the media around when all they do is give him bad press? During the election and even after he won the election the media will just not give him a break. There is always something he has done wrong or something he said that offends someone, well guess what you are going to be offended your whole life, and not just by Donald Trump. Are you going to write a news article or make up fake stories every time you are offended? If so, you better start planning now because that will be a whole lot of fake stories to make and articles to …show more content…

Trump is an angel but neither is anyone else. He has said things that are a little out there but people blow them way out of proportion. Like that time that Jewish guy said he was going to ask a simple question. His question took about three minutes to explain and that was before Mr. Trump interrupted him. The guy was bringing up important issues but, like always, he was basically blaming Mr. Trump for every issue. Saying there have been “48 bomb threats at synagogues across the United States”. Now that may be true, and it is an issue, but how is that Mr. Trumps fault? Mr. Trump had to go and defend himself like any person would and he said “Number one, I am the least anti semitic person that you have ever seen.” That is the line everyone is freaking out about. The reason everyone is freaking out over that comment is because they think he has been very rude to Jewish people but the people freaking out about this probably could not give you one rude comment he has said about Jewish people. To see for myself I was doing a little research to see if he has every said anything about Jewish people because if he has you know it would be out there because anytime the media can make Mr. Trump look bad they jump of that chance. Now I found comments regarding Jewish people but nothing offense. Isn’t it crazy that if one person says something to someone you don’t like you will agree with them even if there is no proof of them saying anything like

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