David French’s article on “Donald Trump Lives to Lose Another Day” talked about despite his good performance in the second debate the leak audio footage will ultimately hurt his chances of ever winning the election. Despite this Donald Trump was effected in the second debate and made critical points on Clinton’s platform. “All Trump did tonight was live to lose another day. He stanched enough bleeding to keep the opportunists, but he didn’t do anything meaningful to change the fundamental dynamics of the race. He did nothing to show Americans that he deserves to sit in the Oval Office.” (French, 2016). The main argument of each conservative article Trump is most likely to lose the election because the GOP is divided and republican voters to
The New York Times columnist David Brooks calls it “the greatest political shock of our lifetime.” At the end of August, it seemed as though Donald Trump was destined to fail in his bid to become the 45th President of the United States. After months of new revelations of sexual harassments and use of vulgar language, spectators of the political sport were almost certain that Secretary Clinton would win, and then that fateful day came. Everyone, including some of Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters were shocked at the outcome of the election, leaving many to ask how such a thing could happen. While still shocking, ideas and concepts learned in the Election the President seminar have helped to explain the process, the results, and even the candidates themselves.
The title is At Republican Debate, Candidates Are Likely to Set Sights on Ted Cruz, written by Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman issued on December 14, 2015. Many controversial topics have defined the previous Republican debates with Donald Trump currently leading in the polls. This article characterizes possible tactics for the final Republican debate. The subject matter of this article deals with potential Republican presidential candidates. Candidates must attack Donald Trump if they want a chance of taking him over in the polls. Some facts are based on state reporting and opinions on debate tactics. The editor does attempt to appeal to his readers' emotions by highlighting voter's concerns and issues including terrorism,
“The Limit of Trumpism,” discusses how Trump’s agenda has kept him in the presidential election. Many have tried to follow his agendas but have caused them to lose the primaries. The article also demonstrates the limits to Trump. The biggest fault Trump has is reaching minorities. Instead of trying to entice minorities he is bashing immigrants. The author believes that this area of ignorance is causing Trump to lose in the polls.
In the March 23,2016 The Washington Post, “The GOP-and its big funders-scramble to insulate Congress from Trump.” The author Matea Gold and Paul Kane explore how the Republican attempt to limit Trump’s controversial influence on the congressional race. The author also illuminate how the Democratic focus on Trump as an opportunity to threaten the GOP’s lead in the House and take the Senate for winning the Presidential Election. At the same time, The Republican shift focus from Trump to Congress. Republican and their donor are prevented the Senate and House candidates from the negative effect of Trump. Attacking Democratic for text rising becomes a key element of the remedy. The strategists of GOP hope their efforts will help inoculate congressional
Congressman Louie Gohmert, a true American patriot, released a statement on Friday detailing why this election is so important and why keeping Hillary Rodham Clinton away from the White House. Gohmert, who admits he was not in Trump’s corner to begin with, explains that "In his days as a Democrat funder and his friendship with Bill Clinton, Donald Trump’s language was extremely inappropriate, even though Barrack Obama can be seen on video using the same exact language. I knew Donald Trump had such a background, and anticipate there are more atrocious comments in his storied background to be revealed which the mainstream media has been waiting to publicize til October. That’s a reason I didn’t support him in the primary.”
Though not itemizing each reason that justifies his decision to abort his defense for Trump, Ryan, like other prominent Republicans, does have an assortment of reasons to be weary. Among the many potential concerns, Draper heightens that the most stringent apprehension amongst establishment Republicans lies with Trump’s disregard for the “fine print” within the oval office. Additionally, Trump’s many accusatory notions of both the primary and general election being rigged does not comfort the establishment party base which he is in fact condemning. Consequently, Draper anecdotes that this spurt of drama within the GOP has ultimately given Hilary Clinton a rise in the polls, with CNN reporting her margin leading 59 to
Trump is our president in-elect, he will soon be the chief in command of our nation, and many are desperately worried about the future of America. Some people still won’t accept that Clinton lost while others are thrilled over the presidential election of Donald Trump. In Thomas Friedman's article Donald Trump Voters, Just Hear Me Out, he doesn’t necessarily agree with the decisions of either nominee, however he believes that Clinton will be the lesser of two evils. On the other hand of the spectrum, Deroy Murdock an extreme conservative firmly believes Trump’s presidential approach can solve the many problems in America according to his article Trump Can End Double Standard of Justice. However, being an extreme conservative he also believes
People who read Brown’s article are going to see that Trump still has a large following and it could sway them to vote for him. On the other hand, Mudde cites that “one-third of Americans.believe that Biden’s election was illegitimate”(Source 1). He goes on to state that experts say that the election was “the most secure in history”(Source 1). This might cause a reader to disapprove of Trump and his policies and sway them to vote for
Throughout the their article “Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants” by Matt Flegenhiemer and Maggie Haberman analyzed Donald Trump recent comments the he made recently about his feelings about abortion. While I wasn’t surprised to hear this come out of Donald Trump mouth, I was slightly surprised of the reaction that came out of it. Especially from his opposing candidates and anti abortion settlements. I did find it interesting that his opposing candidates had something to say against it, even though all of the Republican candidates are strongly pro-life. So that does that even make a case? Not really.
Conservative dignitaries, friends and Distinguished speakers of this year’s Conservative political action conference… I want to first say thank you for inviting me to speak… It is not only an honor but will be the highlight of my life to not only address some of our party’s rank and file but, to also place emphasis on our core principles and just what it is that makes us conservatives.
The punditry has been speculating for months about Donald Trump 's ultimate political demise. They first said he wouldn 't run because he would refuse to file the necessary financial disclosures. When he said he would file it, they said he would take advantage of the filing extension. When he filed, they said it would not be long until he left the race. When he disparaged John McCain, they said that would be the last straw. It wasn 't. When he insulted Latinos they said it would bring his numbers down. It didn 't. When he insulted Fox News ' Megyn Kelly, the anchor all Conservatives love, they said his political demise was near. His poll numbers went up.
The “disturbances of collective order” (Durkheim 1915, 246) or norms with spikes in unemployment and increased competition in labor market could have resulted in what Durkheim referred to as anomic suicide. People’s lives have been greatly impacted and they are uncertain of the future in America. Trump argues that immigrants pose a competition in labor market and he promised to bring jobs back for American workers or the White working class. It’s harder for them to live with the decline of jobs because in the old economic order, White workers have greater opportunities for growth. When their expectation of themselves in the society is threatened, Trump’s promise
Taxation, government expenditures, management of the national debt, and tax expenditures (tax breaks) were all expounded by Trump in Dave Shiflett’s (2000) book, Trump: The America we Deserve.” Trump is quoted:
Donald Trump recently gave a speech discussing rising Radical Islamic Terrorism, immigration from the Middle East, and a need for a rise in national security while Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13th 2016. He centers his whole speech around discussing how bad a President his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would be in difficult times. Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance in 1968 with a bachelor 's degree in economics, and has become a very successful businessman. He’s the Republican nominee for this upcoming presidential election, and is a very controversial candidate and person. He has come under fire for many of his views that he discusses in his June 13th speech. While Trump does make some agreeably points, he renders his speech ineffective because of his heavy reliance on Clinton’s opinion to form his own. If Trump were to become President, his stance on important issues would need to be reached with careful consideration, and not just based on doing the opposite of his opponents.
The mock election showed that every little mistake a political candidate or his party makes, can set them behind in a political race. Anything that party members do can be held against them. Even if the presidential candidate is good, they will need a strong group of supporters to win an election. A political candidate must be good morally and politically to be elected. A candidate can be exposed for one bad policy in their political platform or speech. In the real election, both candidates, Trump and Hillary, have their own vices.