A Political Hurricane Straight out of Manhattan: Donald Trump
The Republican Party had no hesitation gearing up for the 2016 Presidential Election after former Governor Mitt Romney lost to incumbent President Obama. What many assumed would be a traditional conservative primary election cycle has since unraveled into one of the most diverse and publicly watched pool of candidates of a primary election in the United States. And there can be only one reason for it: Donald Trump.
Donald Trump, prior to his announcement, has had his time in the political spotlight on numerous occasions, but nobody had ever taken him seriously. On June 16, 2015, that all changed. Mr. Trump isn’t the ‘normal’ candidate, in fact he’s everything opposite. He’s not afraid to say what he wants, no matter how offensive his comments may be. He’s not afraid to boast to 24 million viewers on national television that he’s personally ‘bought’ politicians off, including the very ones he’s running against. Trump has become a force to be reckoned with. Some of his opponents brush him off, and characterize him and his campaign as political reality television and nothing more, but numbers don’t lie: with every
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What makes Donald Trump so attractive? Why do people pay attention to him? In the simplest of answers, he has no political filter. Americans are tired of the phrase dubbed ‘political correctness’–calculated rhetoric that avoids offending specific groups of people in society. People are tired of politicians dodging the issues, taking big donations from large companies, lobbying firms–people are tired of what they perceive to be political corruption. This is why candidates like Senator Bernie Sanders and Trump have a sweeter taste than ones like former Governor Jeb Bush and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Most candidates come off as owned by the top 1%–they come off as puppets of big business, not social servants interesting in bettering the lives of the average
With the impending election looming closer and closer, the approach of the presidential throne seems to elicit a plethora of opinions on who is the most viable candidate. However, the candidate that has caused controversy at every angle possible is none other than Donald Trump. Famous for his extreme affluence and most notably his TV drama, The Apprentice, President-elect Donald Trump has integrated his unctuous persona into his campaign. The San Diego Union Tribune’s article on Donald Trump, “…Great Power and Greater Irresponsibility”, introduces us with the possibility that Donald Trump is not the “Make America Great American” man he claims to be, and in fact he is the exact opposite. While for some Americans, his aversion to political correctness is admirable and induces a strong support; many are adverse to his social conduct and view his idiosyncrasies polar to the fabric of the Constitution. The article brings forth a target audience of both non-supporters and supporters alike in grave attempt to eradicate this supposed allure of Trump.
“Make America Great Again,” the overarching theme of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s campaign brings to light the blunt arrogance of our beloved Donald J. Trump. Trump: a billionaire businessman, entrepreneur, and part time reality TV monkey, started his presidential run as of June 2015. He has, since his declaration of his run, been the frontrunner for the GOP Poll breaking out above the other candidates of Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and many others by consistent double digits. His run so far has been filled with all things Americans lovingly refer to as in its entirety, Donald Trump: arrogance, controversial pursuits, and lack of explanation to anything he has planned. Though Trump himself has decades of experience with economics,
To the point where we take him at his word understanding that Trump is a negotiator whose positions are often purposefully deceptive, what he advocates is a rejection of our Madisonian inheritance and an embrace of Barack Obama’s authoritarianism. But conservatives have far more to learn from his campaign than many might like to admit. The Trump voter is moderate, disaffected, with patriotic instincts. He feels disconnected from the GOP and other broken public institutions, left behind by a national political elite that no longer believes he matters. Trump doesn’t go nearly as far as Nixon. Yet in an era
Similar to McCain in 2008, Trump lacks “a coherent message, organizational skills, and a crisp high striking strategy” (Heilemann, Halperin 42) yet has had major success in spite of this. His supporters see strength through his words and character, but similar to Obama, “he needs a plan to change the game” (Heilemann, Halperin 118) in order to take down Hillary. Trump has not actually shown the American people a plan to grow the economy, eliminate ISIS, or reform health care, but instead hides behind his slogan that he will “Make America Great Again.” Even though Trump has advanced far without giving citizens concrete steps to stir change within our country, Trump must realize “with no strategy and no message,” there is “no path to victory” (Heilemann, Halperin 226). Statements such as building a wall between America and Mexico, deporting millions of illegal immigrants, and keeping Muslims out of the country, do not serve as sufficient answers to the immigration crisis our country faces. His campaign must “be about a cause greater than self” (Heilemann, Halperin 298), and by developing a clear focus with set goals for the future of our nation and explicit steps to get there, Trump can earn the trust of Americans giving them a slogan to truly believe
The 2016 United States presidential election will go down as one of the most memorable in history. Its first debate, which drew 84 million viewers, went down as the second most-watched television event of the year, behind only Super Bowl 50. Furthermore, the debate dwarfed its most popular counterpart from 2012, beating it out by over 15 million viewers. The primary reason for this cycle’s incredible popularity comes from its brash, abrasive, demagogic candidate, Donald Trump. While most polls currently give his opponent, Hillary Clinton, the edge in winning the presidency, Trump remains extremely close to her in support. The Trump campaign’s efficacy comes as a surprise, given his 60% unfavorability ratings, the highest of any presidential
The public have watched in suspended horror, or elation, depending on your perspective, how Donald J. Trump has turned the presidential primaries into a reality TV show. With his background as a reality producer and star, he has reached into his repertoire of gimmicks to unleash campaign tactics unseen in recent memory. Each and every night in the news, we are treated to his childish antics of name calling, insults to his colleagues and opponents, blaming and vilifying minority communities for the ills of the country and threatening to abolish the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. All of this happens as majority of the nation’s elite media outlets sits on the sideline, sometimes cheering him on.
The famous billionaire and real-estate developer Donald Trump announced his running on the Republican ticket for the 2016 presidential elections on June 16, 2015. Currently in the race, Trump is leading the Republican polls with sixty-seven delegates on board. Ted Cruz is falling in second with only eleven delegates. Seventy-four percent of voters believe that Trump will be nominated as the Republican candidate. About twenty-three percent of voters believe that he will be elected as the next 2016 president. Donald Trump’s success has followed him from the beginning.
His honest campaign–fueled by subpar intelligence and reasoning–is healthily imbued with authentic sentiment and a rather sizeable dollop of voters that only a vast wealth could buy. Despite such positive remarks, glowing polls, and America’s growing respect in Trump, not everything is as it seems to be. For days, Trump has fiercely hidden a secret. A secret that if ever unveiled, would shake the very republican ground
The elections of 2016 are a portrayal of both unrest and aspiration for the political future of the United States of America. The 2016 elections are possibly both unorthodox and most controversial. Spurred through social media, this year’s elections are grabbing everyone’s attention, both globally and nationally. Out of the twenty three candidates, only two remain: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, specifically, has shocked the citizens of USA with his blunt and piercing opinions. Because of his bold character, he remains a recognizable political figure. Though his statements may not seem to be premeditated, his thoughts are original and most importantly, supported with evidence and logic.
Donald Trump is a republican candidate who is leading the polls for the upcoming presidential election; numerous people are terrified that America would deteriorate if he was chosen as president. Furthermore, Trump is excessively publicized about since he has taken one sided views on controversial topics. For example, Trump wants to ban the immigration of Muslims into the U.S. (Diamond, 1), and he wants a border to be assembled between the U.S. and Mexico (McCarthy, 1), which he assumes Mexico will pay for. Trump accounts for 43 percent of all GOP coverage on network news so far this year (Cary, 1). When Trump insults war heroes, women, immigrants, his fellow candidates, and Congress people of
The current race for the Republican nominee has gained much controversy as well as coverage among Americans. The road to the nomination of the Republican party is going to be, in my opinion, an unpredictable turn of events. Currently, there are three potential Republican nominee’s. Ted Cruz is a United States Senator, John Kasich is the Governor of Ohio, and Donald Trump that is a real estate mogul. Donald Trump remains having a substantial lead in the party’s nomination. By the current trends of polls, money, and endorsements of front-runner Donald Trump, he will win the Republican nomination for the White House on the first ballot and be able to avoid a contested convention in Cleveland in July.
The answer is money. Donald Trump being rich is one of the main reasons Americans are attracted to him, they see is big jet fly and Americans want a piece of that somehow Americans see his billionaire lifestyle and Americans want a piece of that. Another attractive reason for Trump supporters is that he is self funding his campaign (which may not be true) by him self funding his campaign voters believe he will not have to answer to millionaire lobbyist that can frame important political leaders. How can somebody who has flip-floped from one extreme to another truly have a dedicated opinion on something, Trump just knows what to say, when to say it and how to say it.
“Well, he’s just, he’s Trump,” said Maggie Meade at a Bush event last week. “I mean, it should be a word, right? ‘Oh, you’re such a Trump!’ ”
One of the decisions that many people currently encounter is choosing which Presidential Candidate to support. This decision is often a defining factor for many people in American society. The Primaries can become more of a dividing point with so many candidates and the lack of research into political stances. While neither of the two front-runners in the Republican Primaries, Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson, seems like a typical politician, they have become the choice of many voters.
Celine Lau wrote, “Trump has continually broken any and all unspoken rules about public speaking, denouncing ‘political correctness,’ which many of his supporters find to be a refreshing change” (2016). By not adhering to the traditional political rhetoric styles in his speeches, Donald Trump has caught the attention of many Americans. Also, much like Bernie Sanders, Trump has made statements against the political establishment, as seen in his commercial, “Donald Trump’s Argument For America.” The repetition and constant downgrading of the political establishment appeals to United States citizens who are also dissatisfied with the current political system, and it was these appeals that helped Donald Trump win the