
Donald Trump Political Correctness

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A Political Hurricane Straight out of Manhattan: Donald Trump

The Republican Party had no hesitation gearing up for the 2016 Presidential Election after former Governor Mitt Romney lost to incumbent President Obama. What many assumed would be a traditional conservative primary election cycle has since unraveled into one of the most diverse and publicly watched pool of candidates of a primary election in the United States. And there can be only one reason for it: Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, prior to his announcement, has had his time in the political spotlight on numerous occasions, but nobody had ever taken him seriously. On June 16, 2015, that all changed. Mr. Trump isn’t the ‘normal’ candidate, in fact he’s everything opposite. He’s not afraid to say what he wants, no matter how offensive his comments may be. He’s not afraid to boast to 24 million viewers on national television that he’s personally ‘bought’ politicians off, including the very ones he’s running against. Trump has become a force to be reckoned with. Some of his opponents brush him off, and characterize him and his campaign as political reality television and nothing more, but numbers don’t lie: with every …show more content…

What makes Donald Trump so attractive? Why do people pay attention to him? In the simplest of answers, he has no political filter. Americans are tired of the phrase dubbed ‘political correctness’–calculated rhetoric that avoids offending specific groups of people in society. People are tired of politicians dodging the issues, taking big donations from large companies, lobbying firms–people are tired of what they perceive to be political corruption. This is why candidates like Senator Bernie Sanders and Trump have a sweeter taste than ones like former Governor Jeb Bush and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Most candidates come off as owned by the top 1%–they come off as puppets of big business, not social servants interesting in bettering the lives of the average

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