
Donald Trump's Role In The Media

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Throughout the years the media has played a huge role in the media. They put an image out on how they want candidates to seem. Overall that affects how the voters view the election. Most of the time, voters only based their reasoning behind what they see in the media, and do not even look at the true facts. Donald Trump was someone one who was already in the media, they had its perks and downfalls. With him already being in the media, anything “horrible’’ that he did in the past would haunt him for the whole election, but since he already had fame it helped. Hillary kind’ve got that attention too, since she was the first lady a few years back. Knowing all this, and having the media put it out in a different way affects the elections.

In the article, “Did Trump Win because His Name Was First in Key States,” the author explains the theory about candidates names being first on the ballot. Although the argument seems a little iffy, they do have evidence that supports. For example, “In one famous example of this, Florida's rules meant that Republican governor Jeb Bush's brother George W Bush was placed at the top of the list of candidates in his state, in the 2000 presidential election.Bush went on to win Florida” ( …show more content…

Whether it was a bad publicity or a good one, he took in that attention. Just about everyday, there is something about Trump, and he absorbs the attention. Many believe that without the election Trump’s campaign would’ve flopped. “In the media age, Trump had accumulated not only financial capital but celebrity capital. On 8 November he cashed in”( https://www.theguardian .com/us-news/2016/ nov/09/how-did-donald-trump-win-analysis). All the publicity he got, even provided money for his campaign. Money was also a key factor in the elections. Trump was already very rich, but he needed more money. When you get more sponsors for your election, you get more

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