Prior to the debate I thought that Donald was going to change hs tone and pace for the debate. Instead of representing an aggressive off the wall entrepenuer who lacks the presidential flair, I thought he was going to calm himself down. Expecting him to come out and attempt to be more presidential in nature, I was surprised to see complete congruence. He remained the same trump who attacks and deflects without having logical statements to back up his views. The use of fear and smoke screens is very similar to that of another leader in history...Hitler. He knew what the public wanted to hear and use that to his advantage. Just after the great depression and first World War, the German people had endured immense struggle ranging from massive
That on October 02, 2015 I, CPL Lessane, was in the process of arresting the subject, Don Sharp., Don Sharp resisted the arrest, by attempting to shut the front door in Deputies face. Deputies then immediately gain entry inside the residence and attempted to place the subject under arrest. The subject then resisted by running in the living room swinging his arms in an up and down, side to side motion while swinging his arms towards Law Enforcement. Deputies did tased the subject to gain control of the subject. This incident did occur in Hampton County and is a violation of the South Carolina Code of Laws.
An Arizona Rep. named Matt Salmon made what seemed like an ordinary visit to a local elementary school to explain to the kids how a bill becomes a law, when a couple of comments got him in some trouble with parents. Salmon made comments about Iran's nuclear deal and young suicide bombers to a bunch of second- and third-grade students at San Tan Charter School. While the comments were cut short by both the principle and a teacher, it didn't change the effect it had one some kids. The principle sent out an email to the forty-five students who attended the session and encouraged upset families to reach out to the office. So far, three families have done just that. To correct his mistake, he not only personally called a few of the upset parents
I’m pretty sure Craig Spencer felt the exact same way when he ate at a public restaurant, rode the subway, and went bowling in Brooklyn and look where that has gotten him. Troops who are returning from West Africa are being quarantined just like the astronauts of Apollo 11 were quarantined and no one thinks or thought any less of them for doing so. I believe that it is more heroic of them to have taken the necessary precautions to protect even more people than they already have rather than to just puff out their chests and say they’re invincible. In an article called “Ebola-Quarantine Objections are Frivolous,” Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich elaborated on the fact that courts have continuously advocated for quarantines for infectious diseases like tuberculosis and smallpox.
In the fourth chapter, “Fouling Our Own Nests,” of Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to do About It, Robert Glennon discusses the dangers of water contamination that plague many parts of the United States. His main claim that water pollution requires the help of the entire population stems from an unmentioned warrant: contaminating the national water supply with chemicals from individual communities and industries is detrimental to American society. In order to strengthen his argument, Glennon showcases the impacts of local contamination issues on larger populations and utilizes quantitatively intimidating statistics to solidify his position and inspire his readers to fight for better water regulation.
Since the dawn of mankind, clusters of innovations throughout history have allowed for societal progression at an explosive rate. While primarily fostering a centrifugal system of advancements; humans’ interests in expansion is spiraling out of control. Throughout history elements of collapse can be traced through civilizations and natural resources. Wright’s argument posits humans have hyperextended their utilization of resources at a rate that cannot be replenished, therein by setting up the world for the largest ecological collapse in history (Wright, 2004, pg. 130-131). Due to the cyclical process of past collapse and reformation humans have an advantage to rectify our current consumption rates ultimately avoiding a fate similar to past societies (Wright, 2004, pg. 131). As such Wright’s argument should frame larger discussions of responsible citizenship.
Curtis Silver advocates the need for parents to become more responsible of teaching their children values, morality, and logic. As a child of an engineer, Silver grew up learning how to tackle both simple and complex problems by using logic and reasoning. As a result, he believes that the opportunity to solve them by himself improved his critical thinking, which is why he encourages parents to also allow their children solve problems on their own. In order to strengthen his argument, he shares a personal anecdote of using his logic and reasoning to create a sound argument and reveal the truth that he did not have to pay the cost of repairs for a new transmission. This example is important to
Through understanding the errors, I made in Writing Assignment #3 (WA #3) I was able to edit and better understand what corrections was needed for Writing Assignment #4 (WA #4) to become a well thought out paper. For WA #3 I received a B+ because of the lack of further development in my argument, which made the voice in the argument, the context behind sources and the thesis weaker.
Hi Constance, this appears to be a straw man argument, or an argument to refute an argument not advanced by an opponent. In other words, is the feeling you’ve failed as a parent because you have a gay child really that prevalent in our society? Personally, I don’t know because I don’t have a gay child, but my intuition tells me I would feel disappointed; not for me, but for my child because their life might be more difficult since it’s outside the norm. Moreover, I assume this is probably the more common reaction, versus a feeling of guilt (i.e. codependence), which is an understandable sentiment. Having several close gay friends throughout my life, I’ve never understood why people are so sensitive about it. It doesn’t bother me in any way
Paul Bogard gave new insight to an issue that needs to be solved. Light pollution. Using various elements, he provided his audience with new information about light pollution.
Colleges are implementing classes to teach students how to avoid “microaggressions” and maintaining “safe spaces.” However, Campuses Cautiously Train Freshmen Against Subtle Insults also highlights the fact that some colleges are doing the complete opposite and refusing to take such measures, instead hoping their students will realize that is they can not deal with basic insults, they should not be in college. While Saul does provide quotes from both sides of the argument; when Saul was introducing the topic of microaggressions and safespace, she made sure to include definitions and positive quotes. When Saul introduced the opposing views of some colleges who disliked safe spaces and trigger warning, the quotes she chose seemed rather rude and kept the counter argument on the short side. So Saul carefully chose how to best highlight the positive side of safe spaces and more social acceptance training even bringing up cases of people pretending to be another race entirely.
As it was presented earlier, David Boonin’s interest based argument has three major elements: 1) A modified future-like-ours account of Don Marquis, 2) Relationship between desires and right to life, and 3) Organized cortical brain activity as a necessary condition for the onset of consciousness. It is the first two elements which are of major concern here.
As you may know, Donald Trump is running for the role of the President of the United States. There is a lot of controversy over the subject, no one seems to approve of Trump. There are many articles I could have read over the topic, but I read an editorial written by Ross Douthat of the New York Times. This is a very recent article, being written on the 29th of August, 2015. Douthat’s article is titled, “Donald Trump, Traitor to His Class”, it is about how non-traditional of a republican that Trump is. In this essay, I will give you a brief history of the author and point out any biases or assumptions made by the author. I will prove to you that his argument is based on no fact and only what could be or could have been.
Besides BonJour's argument of illustrative examples, moderate rationalism is defended by two intimately related dialectical arguments. The argument is that the denial of a priori justification will lead to a severe skepticism, in which only the most direct experience could be justified. Stemming from this severe skepticism, comes the stronger argument that argumentation itself becomes impossible. This essay will describe the distinct segments of the argument and will demonstrate the relationship between the two arguments.
In an article posted on titled “Millennials Aren’t Job-Hopping Any Faster than Generation X Did”, Richard Fry argued that “The job-hopping Millennial characterization does not fit the broad Millennial workforce”. Fry takes a careful approach to back the Millennial generation up and uses statistics provided by the Unites States Department of Labor, as evidence to support his argument. This shows that Fry put all of his faith in the U.S. Government for his argument, and it has a strong bias toward the U.S. Government’s research.
I thought Joe Romm's talk on climate change offered an extremely valuable take. If offered a need for urgency while not seeming totally dooms day or pessimistic. He said “this decades we are getting serious, next decade we will get desperate”. I thought it was really interesting that Romm started his talk by pointing out how much the world we live in has changed in the last five years. Now, we are at a point where we know our future. We have tons of scientific information that doesn’t necessarily give us an exact date, but we know whats in store for us. I was convinced of Romm’s knowledge and the validity of is arguments when he started to discuss the costal housing bubble that will burst in the near future. He said something along of lines of “what will happen when the next Katrina or Sandy hits Miami- will they really pay out billions in flood insurance?”. Now, just a year after this talk was given there was the recording settling floods that left Huston underwater and the Caribbean/Florida were hit by Hurricane Irma which resulted in 66.77 billion dollars in damage. It seems like if we started listen to scents like Romm we could know