This is a question everyone should reflect upon, it has no easy answer and a lot of things should be taken in consideration, things
such as time are a factor too, how much time would it take to see a change?, how much time do you need to use to make a change?
Poverty is a thing that affects a lot of people and there are several solutions given that there is enough money.
One option is to donate to education. Education is a vital factor in the formation of someone as a person, it often decides what a
person will work on and how much income he will have. It also helps you finding jobs; knowing several languages, for example,
helps in a lot of ways, a lot of industries and corporations search for people with multi-linguistic capacities
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In poor colonies there is a problem with informal labor and the farms they have are
low reward, not giving a lot of food, or even enough for them. By donating to facilities a lot of farms could be created to make work
much easier, more rewarding and better paid. Also by having better facilities the need for more farmers grows, since bigger farms
tend to need a lot more workers.
The main difference in this two options are the possible results and the overall time needed. Building facilities is way faster that
generating professional people that could bring richness to a town. And also there is the risk, generating better education and
scholarships for those who can’t pay school, does not offer a secure solution. There a lot of factors to contribute to this such as
aptitudes, attitudes, and capacity of the students. After getting out of school are they really going to find a stable work, and would
they come back to help the village or town? But generating professionals can come as an ultimate win, since if everything goes
okay, they will come back and start making the town grow.
On the other hand facilities gives a fast solution with low risks, farmers can make a lot of food from their farms and be
crops so low, this meant the farmer’s income was low. Many farmers abused the land for
do are extremely straining, and they are given little in return for their work. This would lead to
Everyone knows what the word poverty means. It means poor, unable to buy the necessities to survive in today's world. We do not realize how easy it is for a person to fall into poverty: A lost job, a sudden illness, a death in the family or the endless cycle of being born into poverty and not knowing how to overcome it. There are so many children in poverty and a family's structure can effect the outcome. Most of the people who are at the poverty level need some type of help to overcome the obstacles. There are mane issues that deal with poverty and many things that can be done to stop it.
It is what is learned at the job these young people undertake. The skills learned at these jobs are not necessarily valuable to highly technical jobs that require a college degree. “Closer examination, however, finds the McDonald’s kind of jobs highly educational in several ways” (Etzioni 935). He then goes on to talk about how a good deal of the work in these types of job are already set up in a structured way to where it leaves almost no need for problem solving by the employees “There is no room for initiative, creative, or even elementary rearrangements” (Etzioni 935). That being said, if a student is in a position where they must work while going to school, they in fact acquire skills that are very universal to even the highly technical jobs. Work ethic, and social skills are somewhat needed for any job. For example, if a young person just graduated with a Bachelors’ degree in mechanical engineering and has a job at NASA, but does not know how to work hard in the workplace, and does not know how to communicate then that young person could not be working there as long as they had hoped. Which then brings us to our last
Economies of scale – farming equipment can be used for growth of farm size acreage, and so more plants can be harvested using the same facilities and equipment.
The plan that we have created includes many different kinds of infrastructures. Firstly, we have lots of public space, situated especially in central and accessible parts our our
they are trying to produce more from the land of a large or small farmer while at the same time
There are many issues related to the cause of poverty; such as economics, overpopulation, lack of an
solution and not just a temporary fix to the problem. Unfortunately, poverty may always exist,
Modern day farming has transformed from the farming process of last century. Instead of farmers producing for their families, farmers are now similar to input/output managers supplying massive manufacturers that feed the country.
Thousands of individuals are living in poverty. Why is it that this worldwide dilemma is still rising in rapid numbers till this day? Is it because of a lack of authoritative power, or a lack of one’s self control to do good? Despite the unknown cause, it has managed to drastically affect the lives of many. Poverty is like a curse, one that is wrongfully placed, difficult to get out of, and resistant to many forms of help.
Demographic and socio-economic changes effect cities, its economy and ultimately the country as a whole. Changes in demographics tells us if an area is losing or gaining population and may act accordingly to help it survive. Family patterns change over a period of time as more women go out for jobs rather than stay at home. As medical field advances, the life span of human increases and these changes can show that the median age of the population is growing. Setting up of new industries or business houses in a city might bring in the working population and help in improving the economic condition of the area.
Urbanization brings about a social change. This is most prominent in the expansion of entrepreneurship and industrialization. It is known that the progress of the landless laborer and the absorption of wealth into a few hands promote urbanization. A lot of people say that urbanization is the predictable outcome of economic growth, with the increase of expert craftsmen, merchants, and proprietors. Urban growth or urbanization brings an attraction for the people residing in rural areas. They get attracted by the luxuries, comforts and opportunities which people of cities are enjoying.
Poverty is the most important problem around world, poverty in anywhere. It makes some of people live terribly fatigued, they usual have to work harder than others and just get little pay. In addition, people who live in poverty they have no education. They have no opportunity to get educate, and it makes them get into deep water and have no ideas to change the situation. That why we have to solve it make the world better. We can give them financial aid and free education.
Poverty is a social problem that affects everyone on an economic, political and social level. The problem of human suffering is one that we must combat strategically on many levels. According to the United Nations, “in 2015 more than one billion people around the world live in a state of poverty, lacking the basic goods food, clothing, and shelter that humans need to survive” (“Poverty”). There are a great number of areas that keep individuals poor, such as lack of resources, inadequate income, lack of education, language barriers and the high cost of child care. Being able to work and provide basic necessities is our basic human right and we should not be deprived of these basic human rights that individuals need in order to live satisfying lives. The government has the responsibility of helping individuals in need with the economic assistance to feed, clothe, house, educate, provide health care and decent wages for every individual. They should ensure that individuals have access to resources that will help them build a better future. There are several ways that we can work together to strategically find solutions to end inequality among the poor individuals in our society.