How would you react if you became next to or close to a stray dog? Would you respond by running, yelling, or even kicking or hitting the animal? Would you respond calmly, call animal control or even walk away? Just because the dog is mean doesn’t make it aggressive. Aggression is such a broad term and it’s not all bad. The four types I am going to address are protective aggression, territorial aggression, fear-motivated aggression, and pain-induced aggression. Aggression that happens when a mother protects a family member whether it is human or another animal is called protective aggression. Dogs that want to protect/defend their home or area is territorial aggression. An example is when you dog chases up and down the fence line. When a dog is scared it may protect itself for their own safety. That is known as fear-motivated aggression. This often occurs most then a dog is stuck or cornered. Pain-induced aggression is when a dog is in pain it can respond aggressively. When they do that it is to try and help their selves but it may injury someone else. That is why when you are approaching a wounded animal you do so with caution. A lot of people say aggression is random but it’s not. Aggression can be triggered many ways. It is also always response to something in the dog’s environment whether it is an action of a human or the appearance/attitude of another dog. Cesar Millan says any breed can cause trouble. The difference between an aggressive small breed like a Chihuahua
Explanation of concept: Aggression is an act of physical or verbal violence that is intended to hurt somebody. Aggression may be caused by something happening in the moment or it could be something that has been planned out. Anything that causes frustration could lead to aggression (Stewart, 2014, book
B. According to Cesar Millan “All dogs can become aggressive, but the difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and an aggressive pit bull is that the pit bull can do more damage. That's why it's important to make sure you are a hundred percent ready for the responsibility if you own a 'power' breed, like a pit bull, German shepherd, or Rottweiler” (Millan, 2001-2016).
There are aggressive dogs in any breed of dog and all breeds of dogs are capable of becoming dangerous in the wrong hands. The factors that cause dangerous dogs include:
Also, when a dog feels he or she is in danger, they will tend to take an aggressive action to protect themselves. It does not matter if the person causing any danger is friend or foe (ASPCA Aggression). The environment of the animal matters because it can greatly affect their aggression
Have you ever owned a dog? Encountered a dog with aggressive behavior? Such as possibly being run after by a dog, consistent barking/growling, and or maybe being bitten by a dog. The answer may be a yes to at least first question. Dogs are great companions they are known as being a man’s best friend. Pit bulls are American Pit Bull Terrier, they have essentially been labeled the face of an “aggressive” dog problem. For this paper I have interviewed Adam Hill. He is an adjunct faculty member in the English Department at Columbus State Community College, he is a father, and husband. This problem seems as if it falls back onto the owner of the dog rather than the breed, although the Pit Bull breed is largely known as having an alpha dog mentality,
As a matter of fact, hunting dogs and other sport dogs, including pit bulls, display animal aggression. No correlation between animal aggression and human aggression exists. Most dogs that live in at a shelter or safe house go through temperament testing. A mandatory series of temperament testing shows the dog’s level of aggression. Certified therapy or rescue dogs take required temperament testing, and this option exists for any pet dog. Of all tested pit bulls, they pass at a higher rate than the dog population in general (Hiding Truth).In Janis Bradley’s 2014 revised book, Dog Bites: Problems and Solutions, she states the issues behind the cases of pit bull attacks, “The most comprehensive study of dog bite-related fatalities to date covered all 256 incidents that occurred between 2000 and 2009. The study reliably identified seven factors potentially within the control of dog caretakers that co-occurred, in various combinations, in the overwhelming majority of the cases examined.14 It is based on investigative techniques not previously employed in dog bite-related fatality studies, which had relied primarily on media reports.15,16 This current study utilized sources more complete, verifiable and accurate than media reports. The researchers identified a co-occurrence of multiple, controllable factors: no able-bodied person being present to intervene (87.1 percent); the victim having no familiar relationship with the dog(s) (85.2 percent); failure to neuter/spay the dog(s) (84.4 percent); a victim’s compromised ability, whether based on age or physical condition, to manage interactions with the dog(s) (77.4 percent); the owner keeping dog(s) as resident animals rather than family pets (76.2 percent); prior mismanagement of the dog(s) (37.5 percent); and abuse or neglect of the dog(s) (21.1 percent)” (4). This leads to people mistakenly blaming this breed of dog for
Pit bulls are not the only breed that bites. This means that any other breed of dog can potentially bite or act violent. You may have seen the statistics for dog bites but many of those charts are unfair and none of them are accurate. It is not possible to calculate a bite rate for a breed [because] mixed breeds are commonly described as purebreds [and] the actual number of bites that occur in a community is not known if they did not result in serious injury. (American Veterinary Medical Association, 1733) Some dog breeds are more patient that others and every dog has a different personality just like people do. Dogs aren’t able to express their feelings using words so if someone like a child or an adult is bothering them, they can only tolerate so much until they snap at you. Any dog would do this if being pushed too much but pit bulls are at a disadvantage because they are much bigger and built stronger so when they attack
As I stated before, Pit bulls and Rottweilers are not more prone to aggression than other dog breeds. In order to prove this, a comparative journal, written by experienced doctors of veterinary medicine, studied the difference in aggression levels of a “nonaggressive” dog
Pit bulls are that aggressive, in fact they aren’t even actually pit bulls. The dog they call a pit bull is actually an American Pit Bull Terrier. Most of the “pit bulls” that get reported for biting or attacking are
They aren’t born aggressive. A dog's breed has far less to do with aggression than owner-dependent factors such as how a dog is trained. If a dog was raised to fight or was brought up in a poor home environment, the dog is more likely to be aggressive regardless of its breed. The American Temperament Test Society evaluated the temperaments of various dog breeds, 85.3% of American Pitbull Terriers passed the test whereas other breeds such as Border Collies and Old English Sheep Dogs ranked in the 70th percentile. In many cases, the influence of owners have no effect on the conduct of the dog. Take Lilly, for example. Lilly was a Pitbull gifted to an alcoholic as a method of sobering her up. As any humans can infer, living with an alcoholic is no easy vocation, even for a dog. However, Lily’s hard home life didn’t clog her judgement. One night, Lilly’s owner passed out on a pair of train tracks with a train hot in pursuit. Thanks to none other than Lilly, her owner was pulled off the tracks just in time. Although her owner escaped without scratch, Lilly wasn’t as fortunate. Even with life-threatening injuries, Lilly remained by her owner’s side until help arrived. Ultimately, Lilly had to undergo several serious surgeries and ended up losing a leg. Lilly, a pitbull, put her inattentive owner’s life above her own. Even today, Lilly and her owner remain best friends even though that commitment almost cost her her
However, it is known that a dog’s breed is not a risk factor associated with biting or aggression. Of course there are a few difficult pit bulls, but that can be said with every breed, from Chihuahua to Great Dane. In fact, pit bulls consistently score above average on behavioral tests against other breeds.
Aggressions can be broadly divided in to two types: Reactive/ Impulsive aggression (RA) refers to aggression that is impulsive, emotionally charged, affective and uncontrolled. It has its theoretical roots in the frustration-tolerance theory. It is most often observed in response to a perceived threatening stimulus and is frequently accompanied by negative affect, facial expressions described as hostile, temper tantrums,
Aggression is defined as behaviour directed towards another living being with the intent of harming or injuring them in someway, and can be defined as either
There is a quote by Zach Hunter that states ¨ Anybody can make a difference, be a voice for the voiceless¨ and that what i'm trying to do. Getting rid of breed discrimination laws is very important to our society and our dogs. It causes a lot of damage and makes people think good dogs are not really good at all. Breed discrimination toward pitbulls is wrong because they are not all vicious , it gives the dogs a bad name making them used for fighting, and it affects the good owners and dogs. That's exactly why it needs to come to an end, just imagine if one day your dog was suddenly the bad guy. This is what has happened for years and right now pit bulls are the victims. Just first issue is a serious problem people mistaking pit bulls as
Dog fighting is an aggressive sport. Michael Vick said,” I didn’t do it for the money I like the competition part about it,” This shows that people don’t just do it for the money, but the competition the aggression. Another example, of dog fighting being aggressive is when,” The police spotted blood on the floor they suspected an illegal dog fighting operation wa being ran. Based on this, dog fighting is a aggressive because you have two animals fighting too the death. Dog fighting is a very illegal sport for example,” Michael Vick went to jail for 18 months.” This shows how aggressive