
Dopaminergic Observation

Satisfactory Essays

Though it is believed that the loss of dopaminergic innervation is the cardinal neurotransmitter system involving in PD, other systems of innervation such as serotonergic, cholinergic and glutamatergic innervations are also involved in the pathogenesis of PD16. The serotonergic transmission is thought to be heavily affected due to the non-physiological administration of L-DOPA during the treatment of PD17.After exogenous administration of L-DOPA, it is meant to be converted by the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons that contain a large amount of DA converting decarboxylase enzyme. However, as dopaminergic neurons are heavilydenervatedin PD, 5-HT neurons are then primarily responsible for the conversion and the release of DA after the exogenously …show more content…

Dampening serotonergic activity with 5-HT1A can prevent the exocytotic release of dopamine from serotonergic terminals17,26.Though it is thought that DA is released from serotonergic innervations from all the brain areas including the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, substantia nigraand striatum, the striatum is believed to be responsible for LID because of the source of the major release of DA from L-DOPA from the abundant serotonergic innervation24,25.Therefore, my proposal includes reducing dysregulated serotonergic activity specifically in the striatum with local striatal administration of 5-HT1A agonist in a PD mouse model. Whereas most of the other studies focus on treating dyskinesia with 5-HT1A agonist when LID is already developed in PD17,20,my research proposal will target on the prevention of dyskinesia while giving a L-DOPA treatment for PD. For this purpose, I hypothesize that co-administration of a specific5-HT1Aagonist with L-DOPA may reduce the dysregulation of dopamine and could potentially produce the effectsof L-DOPA treatment for PD without the appearance of

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