
Dorian Gray Good Vs Evil Essay

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There is a continuous battle between good and evil forces throughout The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde eloquently crafts the storyline as he uses self-pleasures and indulgences against purity and spiritual correctness. Through the author’s use of expressive diction, it can be shown that Dorian Gray is the focal point of the controversies throughout the story. Dorian is cast into a lifestyle with all focus on temptations and pleasures when he first meets Lord Henry. Although Basil attempts to ward off Dorian from listening to Henry’s theories on lifestyle, Dorian ultimately ends up only living for his own selfish desires. Lord Henry captures Dorian’s attention and influences his way of life be muttering, “Pleasure is the only thing I have a theory about…When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy.” (Ch. 6, Pg. 82). Dorian takes this theory into effect as he rids himself of a relationship with Sibyl as she is not as “good” as he desires. The author’s use of the inverse relationship between good and happy helps to convey the battle between good versus evil …show more content…

Oscar Wilde shows that Darian had finally realized that his wrongdoings were the source of the problem by writing “Dorian Gray had been poisoned by a book. There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he could realize his conception of the beautiful.” (Ch. 11, Pg. 150). The author uses the comparison between “evil” and “beauty” to show that that his behavior had strayed far beyond where his values should have been placed, which was ultimately seen as the portrait of him became uglier and uglier. Through Wilde’s expressive diction, Darian is seen even more so as the focal point between the battle of good versus evil as he realizes what he has been cast into by indulging in the golden

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