Sawyer managed to slow down Paisley’s bleeding, but she still needed medical attention. Looking away at Dorian who stood there silently, Sawyer called out for help. Dorian turned his attention to Paisley, lifting her up off the ground. Walking through the woods, Sawyer let him know about the medical personnel that were on standby in the large open path of the forest. Dorian felt an immense amount of fatigue overwhelming his body, though he managed to fight through it. 12:33 AM Arriving to the Ambulance, the medical personnel helped get Paisley into the back. Gerard’s body was brought to the back of the ambulance. Sabra chose not to enter the ambulance, feeling much better due to Claire’s Manifestation. Looking at Gerard’s body, Sabra remained silent. She thought about how Malessica …show more content…
“For now we’ll just wait until they show up.” “I didn’t once think this would happen.” Sabra said. “The chau-Gerard, shouldn’t have died fighting Vittorio. If only I hadn’t been put out of action, he would still be alive right now.” Dorian placed his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself. Gerard fought his hardest against Vittorio, I'm sure of it. I only won because of The Verdict. Pais managed neutralized Vittorio when he was about to blow up my arm. She was barely even conscious doing so.” “Paisley’s a tough cookie.” Sawyer added. “She’ll pull through, I know it.” Claire wiped the tears from her eyes. “How are we going to tell Malessica what happened? Gerard was like her best friend and father figure, she’s going to be so devastated to hear this when she wakes …show more content…
“I’ll tell her myself. I’m the only person who’ll be able to tell her that I wasn’t strong enough to help Gerard. I was originally angry at that Isaac and Claire got hospitalized because of her, but I came to Heliconia town and grew to love her as if she was my own daughter. It’s my duty to tell her about
A smile slowly appeared on the figure’s face. “I wanted you to know that it was I who did it. I wanted to watch as a legend dies a pathetic and pitiful death” “AGH . . .
“We aren’t doing so good man, we miss Veronica so much. I blame myself for her death,” I say to the guys.
“Beautiful names,” said Joan. “All three of them.” She reached out and touched Perceval’s jaw with care. “You’ve experienced such a terrible loss, but you’re not bitter. In fact, you seem like a good soul.”
“I’ll go order up a chest X-Ray,” Claire said as she assisted the paramedics with moving Arden into the hospital.
Renee takes in deep breaths continuously, fast. Claire is now listening). No matter what I have always been there for her and never put her second… I just can’t believe she would betray me like that. ( Claire is nodding and looking sympathetic for Renee). I mean we’ve been friends since the 1st Chanel perfume was invented.
“Darlin’, I’m so sorry that happened to you of all people. You are so sweet and kind. It’s just a downright shame.” Fiona reached out to stroke Casey’s trembling hand. “Go ahead and take your time, we have all day if need be. Why don’t you tell me about your daughter? I’m sure she was lovely.”
“It’s David Arthur, they just found his body. It was a suicide” she responded with great difficulty in a pained, hollow voice.
“Claude! Why do you have to keep doing this, why do you have to keep putting the blame on yourself?! It’s no one’s fault for what happened!” she cried. “I don’t want to see... you giving into your despair. Please Claude...”
"Damn. That's horrible. I'm sorry." Lancelot couldn't imagine enduring such a dreadful loss. No wonder this man was crying. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
“Just relax and this will all be over soon.” She looked around wondering what was happening and when she looked back to the nurse, the nurse had a syringe in her hand, a firm grip on her upper arm. She tried to get away, but couldn’t. The syringe went into her arm and she promptly fell unconscious.
“Hey Naomi.” Tyler said as we headed towards the hangar. “Don’t worry about not being picked as the Vanguard, some people are just born to be great. Like me.”
Michelle fainted and was lying on the ground with blood all over her hand. I was scared. I called the ambulance. Then I ran to go to make the bandages like I would do every single day. I grabbed the cotton tape and gauze, and put them together like I usually do.
Dorian Gray was a gorgeous man, however when he started following the lifestyle that lord henry inspired him to live by, his soul became uglier and uglier due to his hurtful, and selfish actions which had major effects on many lives, especially Sibyl, Alan, and Basil. In one way or another Dorian had a large impact on the destruction of the lives of each of these characters
“It was her time to go Jacob, you have to be grateful about all the time you spent with her, the time that we both spent with her. We made her last moments on this planet the best we possibly could for her and I
“I’m sorry,” Dylan used the back of her hand to dry her face. “I just miss my family and I had someone really special back home. I’ll never see him again.”