Dorothy Day had experienced tragedy of San Francisco Earthquake in 1906 and this caused her father to lose his job in the newspaper company. However, with the experience of San Francisco earthquake for the first time in her time, she had thought about individuals’ sufferings and the meanings of community as a complementary relationship in tragedy. Her family moved to Chicago where she spent most of her youth. In her adolescent years, she read Jack London, Upton Sinclair, and Russian literature of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. She extended her artistic sensibility and thoughts towards the social problems from reading these literatures.
After all, she engaged herself to start a radical social movement under the influence of the books contained radical social ideas. In New York, she worked on
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At the same time she was a sincere Catholic who wanted to be used as a God’s servant. However, she was not just Catholic, but Catholic who was in a strong social conscience and identified herself with God’s servant. Her religious and political convictions come always together in her life. We have seen a number of social activists who have fought for social justice and human rights. Their flag to die for comes from seeking meaningful task and purpose in community. Some work for environment, some fight for the marginalized, and some die for their religion.
However, it is not fair to say that Day’s religious faith has led her into social movement. Before she had her eyes opened to the stern reality of political and social absurdity, she encountered with an individual’s sufferings. I would rather like to focus on her love for a human being than her accomplishments in social movement. I will not agree if anyone insists that Dorothy Day threw her life into the social movement to change the world. She would have been willing to sacrifice herself to support others to practice one of many ways of loving
Hamington, Maurice. "Two Leaders, Two Utopias: Jane Addams and Dorothy Day." NWSA Journal 19.2 (2007): 159-186. JSTOR. Web. 3 Dec. 2013.
Before going to visit him, she dropped her kids off at her parents house. On her way there she saw out of control protests leading to many stabbings and shootings. After arriving at the hospital, she saw a whole floor was cleared out just for the people injured during these protests. On her way back from the hospital the protesters had set a building on fire very close to where her children were staying, at her parents house. Instead of taking only her young children home with her, Dorothy also took her parents home too.
According to US geological Survey the San Francisco Earthquake was measured at a magnitude of 7.8. The San Francisco Earthquake Created physical and Mental Destruction. According to Over 80% of the city was destroyed by the earthquake and fire. The Earthquake was a very unique impact for the people of san francisco. Some People argue that the earthquake brought people together while others argue that it brought the worst or the hurt of people. In the Personal Narrative by Emma burke called Comprehending the Calamity and a eyewitness by Fred Hewitt called “ Horrific Wreck of the city” both discuss The Destruction of The San Francisco Earthquake while one of them ( Emma Burke ) believes that the earthquake brought out the good
Humanitarian, community advocate and aid to immigrants, Caroline Chisholm spent her life in the service of others. Her legacy of good will and economic empowerment spans several continents and several decades. Mrs. Chisholm advocated for immigrant women and girls in India, England and Australia. Because of her faith, Mrs. Chisholm was met with much opposition. As a Catholic in a time where Catholicism was viewed with mistrust and disdain, she had to overcome barriers simply because of her belief system even though if anything, her beliefs helped to motivate her to do all the great work she did for immigrant women and girls.
About 4000 people were killed over 9000 that were injured that was this famous event you might ask? It was the loma prieta earthquake, also known as the world series earthquake. Taking place in san francisco 1898 this was one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the bay area. This earthquake caused an estimate of 5.6 billion dollars for the total damage it had done .The person the was interviewed for this event was Mr.Demichel.he was about 10 when he felt the earthquake.
Dorothy Day was an activist, suffragist, and icon to the Catholic Church during the beginning of the twentieth century. Her work in the organization, Catholic Worker Movement, was prominent to her work for the poor and vulnerable. Before the birth of her first child, Day struggled with her religion and finding her spirituality. After the gift of her child, she regained hope and love for religion and God by exploring and joining the Catholic Church. From here, her spirituality grew and love for social justice shaped her into the women she is known for today. Her love for the poor and spirituality is an example of how we should practice and apply our faith. Dorothy Day impacted the Catholic Church because of her devotion to education and equality
Dorothy Day was an influential writer who used her skills and religious background to address national
In the excerpt from “Comprehending the Calamity”, Emma Burke is curious about the San Francisco earthquake, as well as the wellbeing of her neighbors. The first thing Emma Burke did, before leaving her house, was check on her neighbors, in paragraph one of the text she says “I rushed to the window and saw my neighbor of the lower flat standing in the middle of the street in her nightclothes, clasping her little babe in her arms”. This shows she was curious about her neighbors and wanted to see what they were doing, and if they were okay. As well as checking outside her window in paragraph one she also went to check on the buildings in the business section. In paragraph four she wrote, “we were anxious about the great buildings in the business section and hoped to obtain some news there.”
Almost immediately after her death in 1980 controversy arose about whether Dorothy Day should be canonized a Saint by the Church. Now that the Vatican has approved the late Cardinal John O'Connor's request to consider Dorothy Day's "cause," the controversy is being rekindled. After converting, she dedicated her life to New York's poor and immigrants, building hospitality homes that operated much like homeless shelters. Her endeavor grew into the national Catholic Worker movement, a social justice crusade conducted in revolutionary tones new to the church.
The San Francisco Earthquake written by Jack London is journal of his events throughout the devastating acts of God that hit San Francisco in 1906. (461-466)
Over more than 50 decades there has been multiple earthquakes that have been caused by the activity that takes place beneath and above the surface of the earth. For every earthquake there are various effects and consequences, these are generally not preventable but teachable moments. As we study and explore landforms we learn and better understand how today 's structures came about, what took place decades ago and where do we go from here. Thanks to the technology and inquiring minds we are able to study past events like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1964 Alaska earthquake. In comparing these two events we can get an overview of what happened and better prepare ourselves for something like that in the future.
California’s unique geography as a state makes it a very appealing place to call home. From the odd east to west transverse San Gabriel mountain ranges of the Los Angeles Basin, to the bumpy coastal ranges of the Bay Area, any person can find a compatible topographic terrain to their liking. California may seem to be the perfect place to live with its ideal climate and extensive geographic features. However, due to California’s location over the shifting continental plates, coupled with its enormous and also multiple faults, at any time this great state can fall victim to a seismic disaster. After examining evidence from both Rong-Gong Lin’s II Los Angeles Times article of April 18, 2016 and the NOVA videos Killer Quake ( 2006), Earthquake (2007), as well as Geologic Journey II – Episode 3 (The Pacific Rim: Americas) – Part 3 (San Francisco) and The Great San Francisco Earthquake (American Experience ~ 2005), one can take a comparative account of the three major earthquakes of California’s past. Although each earthquake was very devastating on is own; the Great Quake 0f 1906, the Loma Prieta quake of 1989, and the NorthRidge quake of 1994 each amounted to an extensive forfeiture of property and life. Each of these earthquakes created much suffering and loss. It is imperative for each citizen of this great state to understand the damage that a California quake can actually do and be prepared; for the threat of one always looms.
Dorothy Day builds the Body of Christ by living in communion with people across the world. Day calls for human solidarity by asking the American people to recognizing the responsibility that they have towards each other. She shows her own solidarity by protesting to end discrimination against African Americans and for the development of equal rights for women. In her paper, The Catholic Worker, she writes, “The legal battle against segregation is won, but the community battle goes on.” The message she constantly mentions in her writing is that although the interdependence of groups has been acknowledged by some governments and organizations, social fairness and equality on a community and personal level is still not the norm. Dorothy wants
The San Andreas fault line has caused constant development nightmares for large urban areas such as San Francisco as well as the other cities built on top of it. Fault lines are one of the side effects of the earth’s tectonic plates shifting that can result in devastating earthquakes. Some of the most devastating earthquakes in our modern era have occurred along the San Andreas fault line due to a dense population. The most notable and destructive earthquake on the San Andreas fault line occurred in San Francisco in 1906. The reason this earthquake was so deadly was because of its magnitude and the city’s poor planning. This earthquake was a wakeup call for San Francisco and force the city to revolutionize its knowledge on earthquakes and how to protect their city. Today San Francisco is one of the most well prepared cities for an earthquake and has made great discoveries in earthquake safety measures. The 1906 earthquake in San Francisco has drastically changed how the city has developed its zoning and building code policies, and its earthquake research.
The San Francisco earthquake on April 18, 1906 was one of the most devastating earthquakes felt by a lot of states. At 5:15 am, this earthquake which registered at 8.25 on the Richter Scale shook San Francisco, California. The earthquake lasted less than a minute and it did a lot of destruction in that period of time. The most destructive part during the San Francisco earthquake was the fires which began after, as a result of the earthquake. The fires killed about 3,000 people and left 400,000 homeless (San Francisco Earthquake). The San Francisco earthquake epicenter was located near San Andreas fault and as a result, the damages caused by the earthquake was felt many miles along the San Andreas fault line. The city of San Francisco was known for its culture and economy, and because of the impact of the earthquake and fire, the city was in total disaster. Because of the magnitude of the earthquake and the amount of damage it did to the city of San Francisco, a lot of data and digital images have been collected so that it can be used for references and be displayed at its anniversary.