Knowledge for the good of the individual and society: linking philosophy, disciplinary goals, theory, and practice In this article it discusses how nursing as a profession has a social mandate to contribute to the good of society through a knowledge-based practice. It also touches on the subjects of philosophical basis, disciplinary perspective of nursing, theory-guided practice, and theory-practice application. In the article it gives an excellent example of theory practice application. In this example it discusses how nurses may use double ABCX model as a framework to help their practice in managing people along with their communities, who were experiencing flooding. This framework allows the community nurse to carry out steps of the nursing …show more content…
This method was founded upon the ideas in action science and reflective practices and critical philosophies. The inquiry has three phases. These phases are descriptive, reflective and critical/emancipatory().In the article it discusses a project of the method of inquiry that took place in a major teaching hospital. An excellent example way was given about a nurse who advocated for her patient due to his severe pain. This patient was on a placebo therapy. However, the patient was getting no relief from the placebo dose. The nurse went to the Physician to report the patient’s genuine pain and was able to obtain a pain medication for her patient. After receiving the true pain medication the patient reported pain relief to the nurse() I thought showed a great example of an outcome of this method of inquiry because it help the medical staff to be reflective and critical in their practice and correcting their …show more content…
The article touch on some great points such as Communication, Language as a barrier, Quality as an economic issue, Uncertainty, Positivism, Feminist approaches, Critical theory. Overall the article discusses the forward movement of philosophy. Overall, after reading through the four article it is obvious the influence of philosophy on knowledge development in nursing is great. As above there has been several examples to show the influence. I believe philosophy has deep roots in nursing as far back as Florence Nightingale and her environmental theory. I also believe that as our population grows, along with the increase diversity, that nursing philosophy with grow and change with the world’s needs. References: Booth, K., Kenrick, M., & Woods, S. (1997). Nursing knowledge, theory and method revisited. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(4), 804-811.
According to Barbara Caper as cited in Chinn and Kramer (2011, p 1), people generally develop the knowledge about based on what’s they belief or valued in that. Therefore, the personal valued is the key creating or generating the knowledge. Similarly to nursing perspective which it based on nursing philosophical lens is the key to develop theory of nursing sciences. In other words, philosophy in nursing reflects nursing-knowing of perceiving or understanding in a particular phenomenon and expresses or communicates it as the knowledge to others in many forms including the theory of nursing sciences (Chinn & Kramer, 2011; Meleis, 2012).
The first pattern of knowing in nursing presented is the Empirics: the science of nursing. Carper (1978) described this empirical knowing as factual evidence and proven medical research or documentation used for patient treatment. This empirical knowledge is vastly related explanations and predictions from facts and things that have been proven. This author believes that most of this scientific evidence or knowledge stems from books and clinical experiences gained in healthcare facilities under the leadership of trained educators or licensed medical providers. This author believes this because as a nursing student, she will learn nursing techniques such as inserting foley catheters, and doing injections first by observing the nursing
Since its establishment as a profession more than a century ago, Nursing has been a source for numerous debates related to its course, methods and development of nursing knowledge. Many nursing definitions and theories have evolved over time. Furthermore it is in a constant process of being redefined.
The profession of nursing has, in recent years, been trying to further develop, test and use proposed nursing theory. To utilize theory appropriately, in all domains of practice, education and research, it is important to know how to describe, analyze and evaluate
For centuries the development of nursing knowledge has been influenced by numerous theorists and their respective theories. These theories have influenced, and continue to influence, nursing education, practice and research. (Johnson & Webber, 2005)
The knowledge base for the discipline of nursing is drawn from nursing theories. Nurses use these theories serve as the foundation from which nurses use to guide, describe, predict, generate further knowledge to help understand what they need to develop or improve in the future (Smith & Parker, 2015). Research is then conducted to validate the theories.
The aim of this paper is to explore the nursing knowledge, philosophies, reflective practice, theories, and how they have shaped the nursing practice and nursing today. Nursing is dynamic and evolving, and nurses need to acquire new knowledge to provide optimal care for patients. Nurses need to use practical knowledge, reflective practice, and experience they have acquired throughout their nursing profession together with the knowledge of theories when providing nursing care for positive outcomes. Theories rely on philosophical thinking, which allows the nurses to think critically and apply in practice to promote safe quality nursing care. Nurses need to learn and have a better understanding of nursing philosophies and theories. Nursing knowledge, right judgement, ability, and devotion are vital to sustaining the health all around the globe.
Nursing practice incorporates and applies various theories from nursing and other sciences. Furthermore, nursing graduates provide clinical care that emphases on the whole of a person’s health and illness experiences. A nurse clinician who integrates a range of theories in the practice allow him/ her to develop a comprehensive and holistic approach to care. Therefore, Masters nursing curriculum should include theories from nursing and other fields such as the natural, social, organizational, and biological sciences. This content together with knowledge of current research offers a strong foundation to guide the graduate’s advanced nursing practice. The course work of Masters will provide graduates with the knowledge and skills to; critique and evaluate a range of theories from nursing and related fields; apply and use applicable theories from nursing and related fields to provide high quality care to clients; and understand the health care delivery system in which they practice through the application of appropriate theories (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2017). Nursing theory, research and evidence based practice are interrelated. Theory guides the research process that brings new knowledge. The ability to apply knowledge to practice is fundamental in creating competent and highly skilled practitioners. By learning nursing theories, Mary can use it to guide her practice to achieve better outcomes (Matney, Avant, & Staggers,
“Nursing theory aims to describe, predict and explain the phenomenon of nursing” (Colley, 2003, p. 33); therefore, nursing theory is the scaffolding on which nurses stand to build and remodel nursing practice. This is a symbiotic relationship because nursing theory builds the nursing practice and as practice expands the scaffolding must, in turn, grow as well. As such, the investigation into practice and research keep informing the practice and profession of nursing. Ultimately this leads to more effective patient care utilizing evidenced-based
My family consists of my husband and me. Depending on the situation, we take on different functions within our family to best support the other one. I currently support our family economically by being the only wage earner in our family. However, my husband organizes our budget and ensures the bills are paid on time. My husband does the grocery shopping and cooking. I maintain the cleanliness of our home. We both encourage one another to achieve our goals and support each other through any challenges.
A philosophy is created to find truth and meaning. It requires evaluation and use of critical thinking as to why one’s nursing practice matters. The history of philosophy and theories allows me to evaluate my personal nursing philosophy. I believe that each person is their own individual. My way of practicing nursing is by using compassion, listening to my patients and trying to understand them. It is not just the body or the disease but rather the holistic nature of the patient. I believe that nursing deals with promotion of health and prevention of disease. Lifelong education, research and evidence based practice are all utilized in my profession of nursing and are all concepts important to my nursing care.
Let’s review the problems of philosophy, and then make conclusion, what is the value of philosophy.
There are many different nursing theories that are significant to nursing practice, because they help nurses to examine what is already known, and what additional knowledge and skills are required in variety of nursing situations. They provide basis for nursing practice, as well as some additional tools, that help with delivery of better care to patients and caregivers. Finally, nursing theories improve professional status for nurses and provide guidance and direction for research and education (Colley, 2003).
Philosophy is the careful study if the states of, validity, existence, and conduct. It comes from the Greek word, philosophia, which translates into “the love of wisdom”. Philosophy encompasses a vast range of topics and ever person, place, thing, and idea has its roots embedded in it. For the purpose of this paper, I will be only covering the branches of epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. These branches serve as the building blocks for studying and teaching philosophy. While examining these building blocks, I will argue why philosophy should be studied.
Given that nursing is a hands-on, professional 'practice,' to speak of nursing 'in theory' may at first seem like a contradiction in terms. However, nursing theory is an important tool, offering the practitioner in the field a way to better make decisions. Theory acts as a guide to practice. Of course, in nursing, theory is never subsumed to the specifics of a case. Unlike philosophy or literary theory, no theory can stand apart from the realities of the need to treat a patient effectively. But nursing theory can be helpful in dealing with unexpected situations. Nursing theories consist of "concepts, definitions, models, propositions and are based on assumptions" of deductive and inductive logic (Nursing theories: An overview, 2012, Nursing Theories).