
Doublet Of Protons Lab Report

Decent Essays

The H-NMR results of this experiment were in accordance to suspicions that the final product was formed, as the theoretical splitting, number of protons present, and chemical shift of the theoretical desired product structure were somewhat analogous to that of the section # 203 class data. As seen from table 2 and graph 2, theoretically, there was doublet splitting for the analogous 3 protons, corresponding to a chemical shift of 훿 1.15, doublet of doublets splitting for each of the 6 different protons, corresponding to chemical shifts of 훿 3.10, 훿 3.45, 훿 4.12, 훿 4.45, 훿 5.65 (bonded to alkene), and 훿 5.83 (bonded to alkene), doublet of doublet of quartets splitting for a single proton, corresponding to a chemical shift of 훿 2.68, doublet …show more content…

Furthermore, the starting materials (2E,4E)-hexa-2,4-dien-1-ol (complex spectra that contained vinylic, allylic, and OH protons) and maleic anhydride (simple spectra that contained one type of vinylic proton) that were still present in the product was around 0%, as the functional groups had been converted to different functional groups in the final product, and the starting materials and product each had diverse, unique proton types and thus gave different NMR spectras; furthermore, as the product was a completely white gooey solid, no excess starting materials were found to be left over, which in turn, prevented further contamination. The yield of this experiment was 62%, where the actual mass retrieved was 0.2332 g when a theoretical mass of 0.3779 g was …show more content…

A reaction vessel with a large surface areas was also used, as opposed to a test tube because confinement of the reaction materials would have made the reaction heat up more than what was required. Furthermore, the reaction was stirred continuously because equilibrium of the entire sample was crucial, as the temperature changed within a matter of seconds. It would also been better use solvent in the “scale-up” of this experiment, as it would be easier to mix, as well as beneficial to not make the reaction overheat. In terms of Green Chemistry, “prevention” or the idea that it would be better to prevent waste than to have had cleaned it was taken into account, as careful steps were to taken to prevent any predicaments, such as spills. In term of “atom economy” or the idea that there should be maximum incorporation of all materials into the final product was also achieved, as innately, Diels-Alders reactions have 100% atom economy. More Green Chemistry topics would include the fact that this experiment was ran on a small scale so that only little waste was produced and only small amounts of reagents was consumed, as well as the fact that this experiment involved student power rather than external sources of

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