Doughlas Engelbart was born on January 30th 1925. He was born in Portland, Oregon. His dad’s name was Carl and his mom’s name was Gladys. He had an older sister named Dorrianne Engelbart and a younger brother named David Engelbart. His first wife was Ballard Fish Engelbart and his second wife was Karen O’ Engelbart, he had 3 daughters and 1 son. Doughlas Engelbart had a normal childhood and has lived a fine life.
He graduated from Franklin High School. He went to Oregon State University. In Oregon State University he studied electrical engineering. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 1948. Engelbart landed a position at California’s Ames Research Center. He was successful in high school and University.
He invented the computer mouse in
At 13 years of age, Benjamin attended a barnstorming exhibition at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington D.C. formally know then as Bolling Field. A pilot on the Base offered Benjamin a chance to join him for a ride in his plane, he enjoyed it so much from that moment forward he was determined to pilot a plane of his own one-day. With his father moving around a lot because of his military duties, Benjamin graduated from Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio in 1929. Immediately following graduation, Benjamin enrolled at Western Reserve University. Staying there for a year (1929-1930), he later moved on to the University of Chicago where he stayed for two years (1930-1932).
Branson went to State College in Virginia in 1936 this is where he earned his bachelor's degree in physics and chemist with a summa cum laude. From there he attended the University of Cincinnati where he earned his Ph. D in physics. During this time he was mentored by Boris Paderewski
Samuel Hugh Dillin was born on June 9 1914 in Petersburg, Indiana. His father, Samuel Edgar Dillin, was an attorney in Petersburg. His mother was named Maude. Not much else is listed about his childhood.
Wolf graduated from North Central High School in Indianapolis,IN. In 1974. He got a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University in 1978. He also got a Doctor of Medicine from Indiana University in 1982.
O.S Ozzie Williams graduated from Boys High School in Brooklyn, New York in 1938. Then later going to New York University in 1942 to get his master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering and graduate from their in 1947.In His Adult life he did not really do anything he just focus on school to be an Engineer.
Ernest study at Kimball Hall Academy in New Hampshire before he enrolled into Dartmouth College. As a freshman, Ernest had the highest grades in Greek. He was selected for a Rufus Choate Scholar for two years. In 1907 Ernest had graduated as a Sole Magna Cum Laude student. He made honors in botany, sociology, and history. He was the only recipient to be a Sole Magna Cum Laude, at Dartmouth in 1907.
In interviewing Dane Brewer he informed me on his education. He graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor’s of Science of Electrical Engineering. This degree is not limited to Electrical work. This degree is all about electricity to power to how to design computers. To complete this degree Dane spent four years and one summer in school.
He went to high school at Elizabethton High. He was their tight end and middle linebacker. After his senior year the University of Tennessee offered a scholarship to Witten. He accepted and
What did you do after you graduated high school? I joined the Army during World War II, thats when I learned about electronics.
As a young adult he attended Ohio State University , and edited the school humor magazine ( Sundial ) . Scholastic , Inc. and he created , Bananas , a funny magazine for kids . When he
Emeline Dyer was born on December 29, 1863. Emaline was never married and passed away on May 2, 1905, in Jacksonville, Illinois. Emaline was committed to the insane asylum because of her
After completing my bachelors , I worked as an Design engineer in the field of Electrical where I was able to implement knowledge which I had gained from my Bachelors of Engineering. When I realized that my bachelor’s knowledge and skill was not able to address new problems, I decide to pursue my masters in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Elon Musk took an interest in computing and innovation from a very young age. By his thirteenth birthday, he had already taught himself programming, constructed a complex space-themed computer game, and sold it to a large corporation. After moving to the United States and earning a bachelor degrees in Economics and Physics from the University of Pennsylvania, Musk moved on to Stanford University in attempt to earn his PhD in energy physics.
By 17 he moved to Canada to avoid the mandatory military service and attended Queen’s University. He then moved on to study at University of Pennsylvania.
Jeff went to Princeton and studied electrical engineering and computer science. He graduated summa cum laude in 1986 with a GPA of 4.3 on a 4.0 scale.