
Douglas Adams: The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

Decent Essays

Douglas Adams: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe What a funny story Douglas Adams was an English author that wrote all sorts of funny books, like the trilogy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. These books had a ton of humorous dialogue, building up of the characters and a pretty decent plot structure. The book that stood out the most with these three ideas has to be The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. This book isn’t for everyone, but it is a great way to just get lost in the story and follow the journey through space. Dialogue throughout the book is just all over the place, from being humorous to being too childish for some people. Most of the time the humor is pretty dark, but it does make the story intriguing. An example of this was when the characters in the book finally reach The …show more content…

‘It’s heartless.’ ‘Better than eating an animal that doesn’t want to be eaten,’ said Zaphod’” (Adams 225). What humor. It’s just too funny to not laugh at, unless you don’t have a dark mind then this is just offensive. The dialogue or the language structure can make people look the other way because it can be childish: “The man raced along the corridor, the floor bucking beneath his feet like an excited blanket” (Adams 180). It’s to easy of word play. There isn’t much of reading in between the lines; which makes the reading seem like a lower level of reading because there isn’t that complex. Characterization that Adams puts in his book shows off the characters in a new light. The details that were put in the book to show off the characters, but the personalities he gives the characters make them seem more real. “His silver body gleaned in the dusty sunbeams and shook with the continual barrage which the building was still undergoing” (Adams 182). Like with any detail in books it highlights what the characters look like, but again, he gives them personalities

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