My purpose in this essay is to argue for or against the idea that one day we’ll have a cure for Down syndrome, specifically in twenty years’ time. Down syndrome, first fully described by John Langdon Down in 1888 (also known as Trisomy 21) is a genetic disease/disorder caused by a third copy of the chromosome 21. Chromosomes are thread like structures found in the nucleus of plant and animal cells; they dictate how the creature or human will develop. The third copy of chromosome 21 effects the person’s physical appearance, growth and intellectual abilities. Research from Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, says that approximately 1 child out of 691 births in a America will be born with Down Syndrome (CDC, 2012). Researchers know little …show more content…
Biological science is rapidly advancing, and has been doing so for years, but we have still not seen a safe or proper cure be presented. Scientists have been experimenting with gene therapy and have found a compound that reverses down syndromes learning/mental effects, but has only been used for experimenting on mice and only on the day of the mice’s birth. They believe that the compound helps boost the brain size, which interests the Down syndrome association as this could make people with the disorder be able to learn to the capabilities of someone without it. And while social issues are not of my concern, a lot of the general public would have issues with this. This will stunt progress if any is made for the disease, because people believe we shouldn’t ‘play god’. This and the lack of outbreaks will most definitely be a barrier in the ways of curing it within 20 years. Conclusion: With this knowledge, I completely disagree with the Idea that within 20 years Down syndrome will be a curable disease. Perhaps we may see drugs that will tone down the effects, and even if, I hardly see the public being offered such a thing at a low
Due to advances in medical technology, individuals with Down syndrome are living longer than ever before. In 1910, children with Down syndrome were expected to survive to age nine. With the discovery of antibiotics, the average survival age increased to 19 or 20. Now, with recent advancements in clinical treatment, most particularly corrective heart surgeries, as many
Down syndrome doesn’t just show up during your life, you’re not going to just start noticing you have Down syndrome in the middle of your life or be diagnosed with it later on. You’re born with it; you have no way to get rid of it at any time. You can’t change it. Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is linked to intellectual disability. Each human should have 46 chromosomes, 23 from the father, and 23 from the mother. But whenever you have a child with Down syndrome they are born
Prognosis is another term used in the medical field that explains the outcome or course of a condition. Fortunately, the prognosis of Down syndrome has increasingly been better today than in past years. “The life expectancy for people with Down syndrome has increased substantially” (United Cerebral Palsy, n.d.). In 1929, the average lifespan was nine years old and today it is more common for them to live well beyond the age of 50 years old (United Cerebral Palsy, n.d.). “Many are able to hold jobs, live independently with support and their social functioning often exceeds intellectual functioning” (Gene Facts, n.d.). Because their social functioning is well above the other skills in their lives, many individuals with Down syndrome are form
Thousands of babies are born a day in the United States. One out every 691 babies born has Down syndrome, a disorder caused by an extra copy of the chromosome twenty one. In short, this syndrome shortens the person’s life span, and causes assorted severity of mental retardation. Those carrying this extra chromosome have flattened noses, rounder faces, are petite in size, and are much more prone to additional unhealthy disturbances or effects on substantial systems in the body.
By the 20th century, Down syndrome had not been identified as a genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome. Instead, Down syndrome was the most recognizable form of mental disabilities because of the distinctive facial features associated with the disease. Those who suffered form the condition were institutionalized and died in infancy or early adult life since their medical problems were not properly treated. Due to the rise of the eugenics movement in the United States, 33 of the 48 states approved forced sterilization of individuals with Down syndrome and other disabilities.
The genetic disorder of Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome is one that has often interested me. I understand that many children born with his genetic disorder can in fact live a full life, often with assistance. When answering the question of what exactly Down syndrome is, a good definition can be one describing this disorder as a genetic condition where a person has an extra 21st chromosome. The typical person has 46 chromosomes, therefore the person born with Down syndrome has 47. This extra chromosome brings with it some physical and cognitive characteristics that include mild to severe cognitive delay, low muscle tone, stunted growth, an easily identifiable upward slant to the eyes, generally a deep crease across the center of the palm and the appearance of a flat face. We have to keep in mind however, that each person with Down syndrome is an individual and might have some of these characteristics to different degrees, or possibly none at all.
Through DNA splicing scientists have been able to shut off the extra gene that causes Down syndrome. Such advances as these have caused a change in perspective or should we or shouldn’t we. Some of these new cures have been discovered by accident. Originally these treatments were meant to help treat Down syndrome but with further research and discovery, the possibility of eliminating the disorder altogether became possible. Other methods involve using induced pluripotent stem cells to delete unwanted cells. Scientists have now made farther advancements in curing Down syndrome. Such advancement will now make it possible to cure children of Down
“With appropriate medical care most children and adults with down syndrome can lead healthy lives. The average life expectancy of individuals with down syndrome is 60 years, with many living into their sixties and seventies.” “In 1929, the average life expectancy was nine years old, but with awareness, better health care, and community resources, many individuals with Down syndrome now live into their 60’s. As medical care continues to advance, the life span of many individuals will be
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 700 babies within the United States is born with Down syndrome. This makes Down syndrome the most common chromosomal condition, and about 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year. In 1866 down syndrome was described as a disorder but there was no evidence on what caused it. Later in 1959 it was discovered that down syndrome was a genetic disorder that it was mostly known for delays in cognitive development. Down syndrome can lead to mild or moderate learning disabilities, unique facial characteristics, and low muscle tone in infancy.” Although here is no cure for Down syndrome the way we can help is by giving them the education and proper care so that they will have endless opportunities.
. When parents/ families find out they are going to have a child, or do have a child with Down syndrome, it is a life changing experience that most need guidance with.
There is no cure for Down Syndrome. There is also not way to prevent it.
Although it is incurable, new research, such as the DS research, is being made to figure out if there’s any possible way to watch over a child in its early stages to ensure it has the proper amount of chromosomes being made. Insuring that there’s no extra pairs of chromosome 21 being produced. Along with that, discovering if there’s any possible ways to control Down syndrome before the baby is born, possibly looking further into genes even though it typically isn’t the cause of Down syndrome (Future). There’s no cure today, but with the information known and the work researchers are putting into further testing, one could possibly be approached in the near
. Down syndrome is not a disease that someone catches and is not caused by difficulties during the pregnancy, it is a genetic condition. This condition is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the body’s cells and causes a redundant amount of proteins to be formed. All cells of the body derive from a single cell formed by the fusion of a father’s sperm and a mother’s egg. Each cell carries a nucleus full of genetic material known as genes. These genes are inherited from both the mother and father. Each cell normally contains 46 pairs of chromosomes. 23 chromosomes come from one parent and 23 from the other, hence the 46 pairs. When it comes to children with down syndrome, one of the chromosomes does not separate properly and so the
It is a common belief that certain things will never happen to us. We often convince ourselves that the odds will never reach us or the ones we love. This statement remains true for the likelihood of the effects of down syndrome. Although the syndrome is often misunderstood, it is very true that those affected by it lead a very active and healthy life. I, myself am guilty of the social ignorance of down syndrome, that is until my cousin Joby was diagnosed with down syndrome. Over the past two years I have watched my cousin blossom into an outstanding curious child with a passion like no other. Down syndrome is classified in several different forms such as the causes, diagnosis, and how it affects one’s life .
Down syndrome was named after John Langdon Down, who was the first person to discover Down syndrome. In the earlier years it was called Mongolism, which is no longer used because it is offensive to the Mongolians. James N. Parker and Philip M. Parker state “Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by an error in cell division that results in the presence of an additional third chromosome 21 or ‘trisomy 21’” (10). There are different types of Down Syndrome according to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), there is Trisomy 21, Mosaicism, and Translocation (What is Down syndrome?). There is no way to prevent having a baby with Down syndrome although chances increase as the woman gets older. The NDSS says, “A 35-year-old woman has about a 1 in 350 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome, and this chance increases gradually to 1 in 100 by age 40” (What is Down syndrome?). Although the risk is greater for older women, it is still possible to have a child with Down syndrome at a younger age.