
Downfall In Oedipus The King

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Reality hits at the most unexpected time and quickly change one’s life. In the play, Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus has solved the Sphinx’s riddle and become the new King of Thebes. Thebe’s former King, Laius, is killed and his killer never has been searched for creating a plague over the city. Oedipus is now in charge of finding the killer of Laius and releasing the city of their plague. He is very confident in his abilities and believes he can solve the mystery just as he solved the Sphinx’s riddle. Oedipus although, shows that overconfidence can often lead to one’s downfall. During his run as king, Oedipus experiences the great polarities of fame and shame.
Oedipus receives a lot of fame and pride which creates his very confident moral. The city of Thebes has just been saved from the Sphinx by Oedipus. The city although is still suffering, and the priest is looking to Oedipus for help proclaiming, “greatest of men/ Restore our city to life” (KO 26). The people of Thebes have gone to Oedipus asking for help with the plague over the city. They believe he is the one who can save them. After defeating the sphinx and becoming king, Oedipus is very proud. His moral is very confident and he is not afraid to boast his confidence. The people show Oedipus they believe he can do anything and give him plenty of fame. The priests warn Oedipus that he is not to fail and disappoint the city. The people believe in Oedipus and he feeds on their loyalty. Oedipus feels as though he

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