
Dr Confidelity Film Analysis

Decent Essays

The dominant contrast in the second shot, shown in exhibit 2, is Cesare in his cabinet. At this moment was the mystery of Cesare being the killer. Although, the film is in opaque colors, in this shot by the frame of the capture it is noticed the small ratio of black and characters dressed in black as though make the white color stand out. Which creates dominant the shot by the size, the focus, and the characters being the largest object of the shot. This shot has a low-key lighting, reflecting the atmosphere of mystery, silence, drama, and anxiety. Since the four characters are shown in the center with a high resolution, makes it a medium shot, and eye-level angle. This shot is seen as a highly dramatic and mystery shot expressing the atmosphere of trying to find the true to the deaths going around the city by the new Cesare telling the …show more content…

In this shot Francis and the police discover that what has been sleeping in the cabinet all this time is a dummy, which creates a confusion on who the killer would be, so they start to suspect in Dr. Calgary. The type of color used in this shot is general spectrum. The scene takes place in Dr. Calgary office in where he has Cesare. In this film, all characters are dressed in the same spectrum. The filter in the shot is wide-angle since it clarifies the point of the four characters representing the vitality of change, truth, strength, and weakness at the same time. After the dominant object, the subsidiary contrast is the place in where Cesare is “the cabinet” because the cabinet in the shot is a light color that stands out, the lighting is bright, and gives a different perspective in the genre. It is not quite clear what the background is portraying since it is not showing enough

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