
Dr. Daley's Ethical Code Mission Report

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Daley (1972) wrote an article in the Personnel and Guidance Journal calling for a reform in counseling hiring and electing practices within the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA), later known as the American Counseling Association (ACA). The crystal stair terminology Dr. Daley refers to (p. 494) is a saying that illustrates a life that is full of hardships, a climb to the proverbial top that is neither easy or smooth. While Dr. Daley remained hopeful that a tide was starting to turn, over 40 years later, progress has been lackluster. According to the American Psychological Association (2015), racial and ethnic minority groups account for less than one-fifth of the mental health workforce in 2013. This indicates the crystal stairs are still full of hardships for minority practitioners and clients within the profession. Our counseling history and Ethical Code we practice by demand that counselors take personal responsibility to ensure equality for all. Sweeney (2001) calls for counselors to model concern and …show more content…

So why then, are perspective counselors lacking the appropriate training in educational settings? The vast majority of theories and techniques come from White European-American backgrounds (D' Andrea et al., 2007). Research is tailored to the White community, so care is often monocultural and ethnocentric in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of racial/ethnic minority populations (Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests, 2003). The consequences of a White supremacy learning and application environment can be detrimental when a White clinician is assessing normality and abnormality, treatment strategies, and determining life altering consequences based on the cultural lens he is perceiving the

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