
Dr Manhattan Character Analysis

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Why Dr. Manhattan side with Adrian and betrayed the other minutemen’s? Throughout the book Dr. Manhattan do not want nothing to do with the Comedian death and it also does not concern him much as it does to Rorschach and Dan. Therefore, Dr. Manhattan has been sensitive and isolated person about the death of the Comedian and on everything after the Comedian death as well. Dr. Manhattan also play a major role in Adrian plan of destroying the city and rebuild it in his own way. Although, the city once and has always remember Dr. Manhattan as hero until a rumors was revealed about him. In this case, Dr. Manhattan was a normal guy just like every character in the book. As little kid, Dr. Manhattan enjoy fixing watches and the idea of figuring stuff out or …show more content…

Manhattan has been really careless, but sensitive about the comedian death. He do not feel pain or sorrow in what so ever about the death of the comedian because he know what the Comedian has done when he was alive and what he can do when he still alive. Therefore, in (chapter 1 page 21) Dr. Manhattan demonstrated that ‘’ a live body and dead body contain the same number of particles’’ and also ‘’ structurally there’s no discernible difference’’. Dr. Manhattan gesture of expressing himself to Rorschach about the comedian death made it clear that it do not matter or concern him at all. In fact, it also imply with detail that prove he must be behind it. However, Dr. Manhattan and Adrian never like the comedian because what he did when they all were crime busters. Dr. Manhattan flashback during the funeral indicate his dislike and terrible things that the comedian did when he was alive. For example, the comedian want to cause a war just to see innocent people suffer, killed his own innocent unborn baby with his mother. The comedian afterward blamed it on Dr. Manhattan that he could have change the gun into steam or the bullet into snowflakes, but instead he stand there and watch him shot

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