Mesfer Al Ayfan
Middle Tennessee State University
Leadership and motivation
Dr. R. Earl Thomas
Summary This report examines the subject of leadership. The objective is to outline the need for leadership skills in team operations. This goal is comprised of the three sections. The first examines the role of a project leader, such as external and internal facilitation. In external facilitation, focus is on negotiation and liaison with clients, top management, the public, and other stakeholders. In internal facilitation, the leader is expected to engage with project teams in planning, solving problems, and providing strategic direction to achieve all project goals.
The second section
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It may be necessary for different project teams to be led in different ways depending on the tasks that they are handling as well as their position.
The aim of this report is to investigate three areas of relevance to leaders’ attempts to achieve excellence in providing strategic direction to project teams. The first section examines the role of a project leader. The second section explores the position of a project leader in the context of the project. The last section examines aspects of project execution in terms of the leader’s ability to address the needs of members of the team.
The Project Leader
External Facilitation: The Project, The Organization, and The Public
Leadership can easily determine success or failure of a project. Leading project teams is very difficult. The project leader must confront situations where different expectations of his abilities are being expressed openly. This leaves the project leader with a lot of explaining to do regarding his responsibilities. Such clarification may go a long way in improving project outcomes. The project leader must create harmony between the team and other departments of the organization. This demonstrates how critical the leadership role can be not just for project teams but also for the entire organization. To understand the role of project leaders, it may be necessary for one to examine studies that have focused on leaders operating at the supervisory level as well as those operating at higher
Leaders are an essential part of a group project. They should keep everyone on task and focused, they should keep people from having arguments, and they should help correct mistakes if there are any made. Groups leaders have to be persistent but willing to compromise when agreeing on a plan. Group leaders should, also, encourage individuality in a group, so the group can get the best results. As a group leader, people should make decisions that benefit the entirety of the group.
According to Vance Packard, leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something that you are convinced should be done (Lewis, 2003). Leadership is a pertinent part of project management. James Lewis (2003) says leadership is not a position; it’s the ability to gain commitment from people. According to Professor Warren G. Bennis, “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right”. The importance of leadership in a project is demonstrated in the case study, “A Peaceful Evacuation: Building a Multi-Project Team Battalion by Leading Upward”. This case study involves two leaders, who had similar, but mostly, different
Leadership- should reflect the team’s stage of development. Leaders should motivate, facilitate goal setting, educate and evaluate achievements.
Every successful team begins with a quality leader. Without a leader in place projects and tasks may become chaotic, overwhelming, or unachievable. Kelly (2012) defines leadership as, “A process of influence in which the leader influences others toward goal achievement” (p. 2). Leadership can occur in different forms and styles. Some of those different styles include democratic, laissez-faire, autocratic, and transformational.
The leader must be sure to take the group dynamics into consideration. It is important to make everyone involved feel that their needs are important. For the project to be a success, everyone participating must feel as if they are contributing and that they are being valued equally.
A lot of people think that leadership is running a project- I do not think this is correct. I believe that leadership is guiding people in a united direction.
Question 1. The twelve guidelines are presented in no particular order. Order them by level of importance and explain your reasoning. Answer The twelve guidelines should be order as below, the reason also is stated at the behind of each title. 1) Understand the context of project management. Much of the difficulty in becoming an effective project manager lies in understanding the particular challenges project management. 2) Understand who the stakeholders are and what they want.
Leadership by the team leader, who has responsibility for the team, is critical for team
This assignment will address three areas of project management that stood out while taking this program. Project integrated management, project communication, and project stakeholder management. A discussion on how they are executed will be presented. As more courses were taken during this project management graduate program, many of the project management concepts became clear and revealed more of the interdependencies and intricate dynamics that are required for successful project management.
Leadership is a process of influencing activities of a particular group of people with the aim of attaining certain stipulated goals. In defining leadership there is need to consider a particular group, the common goals and the duties that are allocated to specific members of the group depending on their abilities (Fiedler 1976). Leadership therefore cannot successfully occur unless members of the group are given different considerations in terms of personality, traits and responsibilities. In considering leadership, it is important to look at the leader, the group or organization they are leading, the members as individuals and the situation; these are
From the case study it is evident that ICS, Inc. requires a participative and consultative leadership style to provide direction and not directions as well as to establish the parameters and guidelines for what needs to be done, and the project team members determine how to get it done. (Clements J.P. and Gido J. 2009:304)
Leadership skills are utmost important for today’s mangers as the Project is entirely dependent on them , because without a good leader, a project is unlikely to be completed successfully. These skills are
Leadership is summarized as ‘the process in which an individual impacts a variety of individuals to attain a common goal’. The goal is attained by mutual collaboration and cohesive behavior. A leader infuses a sense of positivity and manages others to reach a specified goal. Leadership has had a very profound influence throughout my life by affecting my family, friends, teammates, and the overall decisions that I have made. By using my personal experiences with leadership, I have learned how to use these skills not only on the field, but throughout my everyday actions.
Effective management of organizational projects is thorough dependent upon individuals possessing great leadership skills and competencies, since in the absence of an effective project leader a specific project is likely to fail in the long run. The successful accomplishment of projects is the sole former responsibility as well as objective of a project manager, who takes enormous responsibility upon his shoulder when it comes to make the right decisions (Geoghegan & Dulewicz, 2008). Whereas some individuals have natural leadership attributes, other such leadership skills and competencies need to be adapted by them for ensuring individual approaches of leadership is well-tailored to be suitable for individual style as well as personality. A project manager is entitled to incorporate much more than only managing projects. He needs to develop potential teams for achieving success in accomplishing projects. Commonly, teams are said to rely greatly upon their manager’s leadership for effective guidance as well as encouragement. They are likely to respond in a positive manner towards quality leadership and enable building of stronger relationships amidst members (Keegan & Den Hartog, 2004). They also fight against the project challenges in a cohesive manner. Hence it is time now to highlight upon some of the key attributes of organizational project leaders so as to have a better understanding of the
Without leadership, a team lacks direction and cohesion. Leadership is there to solve challenges associated with teamwork and to insure the attainment of the main objective of the team effort. Leadership reduces the risks associated with a project. This happens because the person or team providing direction for the project do not get involved in detailed implementation freeing them to see the big picture from which they identify and reduce or eliminate risks. Leadership increasingly means the difference between a successful project and a failed one despite the availability of resources. This is because of the role leadership plays in the effective allocation of resources to achieve the projects objectives.