In this extended essay I will be evaluating the effectiveness of satire’s ability to communicate a message to the audience using Dr Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb’s Anti-War message as a case study. In chapter one I investigate what satire is and how the genre communicates a message through the use of comedic irony. In this chapter
I engage with the evidence of a focus group I conducted to discover how an audience emotionally responds satire. I analyse if the use of satire semantically alters Dr Strangelove and how the message would have differed if it remained the Cold War Thriller it initially was. In the second chapter I present the similarities and differences Dr Strangelove has to other AntiWar texts such
This can be seen throughout the whole text and adds to its wittiness and mystery. The main weapon of the satirist is verbal irony, a figure of speech where words are used to mock a person or thing by conveying a meaning that is the reverse of what the words say. This is evident throughout the entire piece and begins when he proposes his own thoughts on how to conquer the problem of a large amount of poor, starving and
Even though mankind has progressed immeasurably, war never goes out of fashion. Propaganda has always portrayed war as an honorable and chivalrous activity, but the soldiers who participated in those “honorable and chivalrous” activities often did not have the same opinion of war for obvious reasons. Anti-war Authors skillfully use imagery, irony, and structure to convey detailed and truthful messages to the propaganda influenced public. In the book All Quiet on The Western Front, author Erich Maria Remarque skillfully manipulates imagery, irony, and structure to create a thought provoking anti-war message. He uses imagery to describe scenes in vivid detail, using descriptive vocabulary to implant visual, audio, and sensory details in readers’ minds. Irony plays an essential role in amplifying the contrast between unrealistic portrayals of war, and the harsh realities of war. He includes statements that would mean the opposite of what it meant originally, and would use
Dramatic irony was a major element used for implementing suspense in to the film. A representation of irony shown in the movie that showcases
This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his platform on his position. Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule). In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between what is said and what is meant.
Without doubt, Edgar Allan Poe’s story is one of the author’s masterpiece. The story is an exhibit of artistic genius with various literary features well incorporated. Among them, irony, defined as, “A figure of speech which is a contradiction or incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs”, is the most evident. Allan Poe demonstrates the use of various types of irony throughout the play, which he uses to pass the intended message to the audience.
John Marwood Cleese, an English actor, comedian, writer and film producer said, “If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth”. The point he brings up is the ideology of satire. Satire, by definition, is a technique utilized by writers to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society. This can be done by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule ("Satire - Definition and Examples", para.1). Often times, the humor used opens the audiences’ minds to the underlying problem that the writer is trying to reveal. By examining the purpose and methods of
the literary element sarcasm to stress an absurd situation. Each piece of work uses satire to bring
Dr. Strangelove is, science fiction, black comedy war film about what could possible happen if the wrong person where to push the wrong button. U.S. Air Force General Jack Ripper, played by Sterling Hayden, goes completely insane sending his bomber wing to destroy the U.S.S.R. The U.S. President Merkin Muffley, played by Peter Sellers, meets with his advisors in an attempt to stop the bombers from hitting their targets. The President soon learns that he will not be able to stop the bombers unless he receives the recall code. However, only Gen. Ripper knows the recall code and is reluctant to giving it up. He also discovers that if the U.S.S.R. is hit by nuclear weapons, it will trigger a “Doomsday Machine” destroying all plant and animal life
William Dean Howells was an advocate of realism in writing; he believed that literary art should reflect the reality of the common man and demonstrate the truth of everyday current issues. He believed in truthful writing and he accepted very little at face value. He practiced this belief in his own writing, and his story called “Editha” is a good example of this. In this ironic tragedy, W.D. Howells shows the truth and nature of war. He uses a combination of metaphoric characters, irony, and the pathos appeal to create an almost grotesque parody of the reality of war. In final analysis, Howells is successful in highlighting the consequences of war and inspiring the audience to question the wisdom of those who advocate armed conflict.
1. Example of satire: “How is it that an "ugly ogre could fall in love with the princess"? Or how is it that the "princess can fall in love with an ogre"?
Thank you for your participation. Your participation is voluntary and the statements made in the focus group interview have no relationship to or influence on your current or future study or your work and responsibilities. Your participation in this study will be kept confidential by the researcher.
There is concerning the connection to reality with the two a novel and the present-day world. Satire is what is used to better
Genre is a system of categorization that groups similar styled works together under one label. The comedy genre broadly refers to any work that is purposefully humorous and aims to induce laughter, however throughout history composers have used this genre to critique society and human nature, allowing them to manipulate the audiences view of themselves and others in a non-confrontational format. The texts ‘School for Scandal’ by Richard Sheridan, ‘Emma’ by Jane Austen, ‘Blackadder’ by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton, and ‘South Park’ by Matt Stone and Trey Parker all evaluate their society through the use of satire in order to tell a truth, as “a truth told by comic means draws the reader/spectator closer” allowing them to “ambush the overly confident
When group dynamics work well, the partakers work together with the researcher, taking the investigation in new and frequently unanticipated directions. They are also good for giving a lot of the participants the courage to speak, especially for those who may not feel confident enough to speak in a one – to – one interview (Kitzinger, 1995). However, focus group methodology has its limits. The focus collection depends heavily on supported discussion to harvest results; therefore, the enablement of the dialogue is critical. The worth of the discussion rests upon the skill of the mediator, who should be well qualified and preferably distant from the target populace, yet not linked with the researchers (Leung and Savithiri 2009). From the groups, words and expressions were extracted for coding into groups of meaning and themes were then
It can be used as a valuable educational tool and a powerful weapon against authoritarianism. From the success and reactions of various political personas to news satire shows like Last Week Tonight by John Oliver, to classics like Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four, political satires never failed to challenge the unreasonable rules and suppressive laws as well as educate and recreate the situation using hilarious undertones. This uses cynicism as a basis for its bitterness, which is not unmotivated, however, since it arises from the helplessness against the government that will never change its ways. The political disenchantment in the non-military, as well as the conscientious objection from the military, are some of the many reasons why skepticism and cynical attitude towards an establishment arises. It need not lean toward nihilism, anarchy and terrorism, but when the law of the land is as monarchic and vacuous as Zia, every person who disagrees with his ill-born principles would be considered an enemy of the state. To protect the country from foreign forces when their own country is in a state of turmoil and chaos is easily mitigable, but barely controllable when the wounds fester. Political satire in this context acts like an anodyne and provides some comic relief to the oppressed, when their frustrations are being vented in the form of one media or