
Dracula And Twilight Compare And Contrast

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Blood hungry, frightening and dangerous are what most people think of when a vampire comes to mind. Vampires have been around for centuries and continue to be highly popular. According to Vampire- Empire, the first vampire movie to come out was in 1922 and to this day they are still making new movies and television shows. Two of the most popular vampire movies out are Dracula and the Twilight series. Every movie has there similarities and difference when it comes to their looks, certain powers they have, and the types of emotions they feel. “Your skin is... pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change color... and sometimes you speak like - like you're from a different time.” In the movie Twilight, one of the main stars of the movie is Edward Cullen, a vampire that everyone falls in love with. He had porcelain skin that sparkles like diamonds in the sunlight but is hard as a rock and is ice cold. He has perfectly straight, white teeth that shine when he smiles. His facial shapes looks like it could have been carved from the most amazing marble. He has Golden brown eyes that turn black when he gets hungry. Unlike the …show more content…

Johnathon Harker had experienced this first hand where he says, "When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there." Unlike Edward, Dracula has no feeling of love or emotions really at all. He constantly has an angry look on his face that looks like he could kill you in two seconds. The closest thing to love that Dracula feels is when it comes to Mina. Although it seems as though Dracula may have a heart for Nina, he still wants to kill her, which is why in the end they have to kill Dracula so they can save Nina. His anger overturns the feeling of

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