For the first performance, the stimulus was the word ‘guilt’. I had to enact one of three people in a line-up and reiterate the sentence ‘relax, it’ll be over soon.’ Our story line consisted of a line-up with 3 suspects; one being guilty of sexual assault. This associates to the stimulus as only one character involved was guilty, but because of the circumstances, us as the other characters also looked guilty, it was the audience’s task to then deduce that Kyle was actually culpable of the crime.
As one of the suspects, I had to appear intimidating so I frowned and stared forebodingly at the audience. When I repeated the sentence, I declared it forcefully and rudely to also suggest that I was angry. In terms of body language, I had
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The space we included then almost contrasted this idea of power and superiority as Stephen’s distance reinforced the idea of vulnerability, exposing his fear and apprehension of being near the criminals.
We also used a climax in our performance to build up the tension for the audience. Stephen asked each of us one-by-one to step forward and repeat the line, as he prolonged his answer as to who he believed to be the guilty suspect. This conclusively built up the tension for the audience as with the aforementioned use of dramatic irony, they already knew who it was and subsequently had to wait in anticipation to see if Stephen would select the correct person.
I believe our performance related to the chosen theme because it showed characters who felt guilty just purely under circumstance, a character that was genuinely guilty of the crime and those that didn’t feel guilty at all.
Intonation is the level of stress you place on certain words which ultimately effect/ change the meaning of what is being said.
The stimulus for this performance was the phrase ‘Let him have it’. I had to say the phrase three times; each of which consisting of a different meaning. Our performance contained three different story-lines, all comprising the phrase ‘let him have it’ with an altered meaning. The first time entailed two children playing a video game, and shouting the
Capital Punishment is an issue that has been argued over from the dinner table in
In the teleplay “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street,” Rod Serling develops the theme “Fear can lead to suspicion and destructive behavior”
Priestley uses dramatic tension through the play to make it interesting and full of suspense for his audience.
Next, Burke creates a set of terms within his theme of evaluation of a persuasive situation. Here, Burke creates his dramatistic pentad containing the terms agent, agency, scene, act, and purpose. Although, each of these elements can be applied differently regarding the same
In one of the trials Mr.Rudd uses foreshadowing to induce drama in the mind of his client Doug Renfro. Doug Renfro an innocent man has just been
Some guilty individuals have successfully deceived the examiner by controlling their emotions with countermeasures such as biting the cheek or stepping on a tack
Does taking another’s life actually avenge that of another? The disciplinary act of capital punishment, punishment through death, has been a major debate in the United States for years. Those in support of capital punishment believe that it is an end to the reoccurrence of a repeat murderer. The public has, for many years, been in favor of this few and pro-death penalty. Yet as time goes on, records show a decrease in the public and the state’s support of the continuation of capital punishment. Those against capital punishment believe it is an immoral, spends taxpayers’ money improperly, and does not enforce a way to rehabilitate criminals and/or warn off future crimes.
and placing continued emphasis on the criminal is a devaluing of the victim and ominously sends
crime taking place. Researchers have conducted countless studies in order to better understand this psychological phenomenon.
An innocent man is wrongly executed whilst a man who raped and murdered a mother and her thirteen year old daughter spends the rest of his life with three meals a day and cable television. Which of these is the bigger injustice? The use of the death penalty to punish serious crimes is a very controversial topic and there is much debate surrounding the issue. This paper will briefly discuss arguments supporting and against the use of the death penalty.
The third act feels too passive with the idea of the courtroom trial. The third act should actually contain the strongest tension
Defining a UDA can be very difficult, or insanely easy. Sometimes an audience can completely understand your motive, other times they can be completely clueless. The important thing is to find a good balance of intent and engagement. You want your audience to understand what has happened, and you also want them to think about what has happened after the fact. Very rarely do you want them to be completely clueless to your action. This project has offered a new outlook on to how theatre and messages can be given.
Capital punishment is the legal infliction the death penalty. It is obviously the most severe form of criminal punishment. (Bedau1) Capital punishment is a controversial way of dealing with violent criminals. The main alternative to the death penalty is life in prison. Capital punishment has been around for thousands of years as a means of eradicating criminals. A giant debate started between supporters and opposers of execution, over the morality and effectiveness of the death penalty. The supporters claim that if you take a life you should pay with your life or "an eye for an eye". Opposers of the death penalty bring up the chance of sentencing the innocent and how the death penalty is
Different from Chinese, a tone language, English is an intonation language. As a musical element of an utterance, intonation is defined as the variation of the voice pitch when speaking. In spoken English, when people say words with more than one syllable or sentence with different intonation placements, ambiguity usually occurs for people’s different perceptions of information. Observing the following example with different intonation:
Knowing you may die for your crime is not a deterrent - the threat of