
Dramatic Effects : Visual Analysis : A Dramatic Effect

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Haley Jones Professor Nora Servidio English 111 23 October 2017 Visual Analysis: A Dramatic Effect A young Native American mother clutches the starving newborn to her wool cloak, whiling savaging bark from the passing pine trees. She brushes the child’s hot brown skin, fearful for the child’s future and praying for wellness to her sickness. A month has passed since the soldiers raided their home and forced them to walk by stabbing bayonets in their backs. Their tribe has been accompanied with a few other tribes: the Chickasaw, the Seminole, Creek, and the Choctaw. White Americans are driving the Native Americans from their ancestral land due to greed for resources, Manifest Destiny, and propaganda/stereotypes proposed through the media. She has been separated from her husband and son, she hopes they have found refuge in the mountains. When they began the journey, she was accompanied with a few relatives, but disease and cold has corrupted their bodies, leaving them lifeless and empty. Distant cries and yells jerks the woman to attention. She sees a weeping elder woman standing over her cold starved son, shouting “Nunahi-Duna-Dlo-Hilo-I”, which means the “trail where they cried”. She understands the woman’s pain and suffering, we have all lost in numerous ways. A tear slowly falls from her cheek as she forces another step on the trail of tears. Conspiracies say that the very first Americans arrived during the prehistoric times, back when mammoths and sabretooth tigers roamed the earth, through a land bridge that connected Asia to America. Through evolution, migration, and generations, these people became known as the Native Americans. When the first European settlers arrived to the New World, they quickly realized they were not alone. The relationship between the Native Americans and the settlers is full of injustice, culturally, and war. As the European settlers inhabited the lands, they also became greedier of the land and new resources for profit. As years and decades continued, white Americans began pushing the Native Americans from their ancestral lands. The Indian Removal Act was proposed by Andrew Jackson. The Act was passed by Congress on May 30th, 1830. The Act stated that the Cherokee, Chickasaw,

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