
Dramatic Play Areas Analysis

Decent Essays

As a recently employed preschool teacher I have chosen the block area, dramatic play area, art area, and sensory table as the four most beneficial and developmentally appropriate learning areas for my classroom of four year old children.
The first area I would incorporate is the block area. This area would contain shelves and a carpeted area for the children to build on. This area and the dramatic play area will be the two largest areas in the classroom. Block play helps children progress in many different areas of development and learning. Children are able to develop social emotional skills by learning to negotiate the use of materials, follow rules to build safely, and exchange ideas with other children. They work their physical fine and …show more content…

They are able to recreate experiences they have had in the past and learn to cope with and act out emotions. They are learning cooperation and how to control their own impulses. They are also learning physical fine motor skills when they dress and undress dolls, they learn language skills when they are talking with other children. There is also the potential to practice writing skills if they have activities such as grocery lists or restaurants where the children can take orders. Materials included in the dramatic play area would be: a kitchen set, dolls, doll beds, table and chairs, pots, pans, and other play dishes and food, real life food boxes and containers, dress up clothes, and home like items such as a rug, curtains, tablecloth and fake …show more content…

To address the materials, I could make a list of what is already available and what I would like to add. I could check with the other classrooms to see if there are items we can share and borrow from each other. I will be rotating items to keep children’s interests and will not need all the materials at one time anyways. I could also check with my supervisor to see if some items could be purchased, or if they are relatively inexpensive I could purchase them or bring them in from home for classroom use. I would also work closely with the parents so that they understood what skills the children are learning in the different areas and that getting messy is part of a quality early childhood experience. I would have the children use smocks whenever possible, and always use washable paints and markers. I love the Creative Curriculum books because it offers premade parent letters that explain what the children are learning while they play in the different areas. Many times parents think their child is simply playing, and do not understand that that is how children learn

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