
Dramatic Techniques In Arcadia

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Arcadia is a play that Izzy and I felt very attached to so when the moment came to choose a scene, we instantly knew which play we wanted to perform. Some plays are better understood when they are read, but Arcadia is on the other end of that spectrum. Arcadia was the perfect play for us perform because we had enough actors (three of us) and Arcadia’s Act II, Scene 2 felt perfect for this final.
Izzy, Cole, and I have a funny dynamic as a group of friends so that translated perfectly into our scene because the lens with which we interpreted the scene was comedic--something we thought Stoppard intended. Cole will play Jellaby, the sarcastic butler who is simply just trying to get through his day, and he is perfect for the role. Izzy will play Lady Croom, the head of the house who always seems to be courted by men at her house, and Izzy brings the perfect aggressiveness to convey overt power. I will play Septimus, the …show more content…

Our staging is not too complex besides two pivotal points. The first big staging moment is when Septimus and Lady Croom are sitting down when Jellaby brings in her infusion. I must pour tea for her and hand it to her while we continue a serious conversation and then immediately rip up the letter from Lord Byron. The next pivotal moment is the most important in the whole scene. Septimus justifies his ‘meeting’ with Mrs. Chater by telling Lady Croom that it was only because, “in his madness,” he believed “the Chater with her skirts over her head would give [him] the momentary illusion of the happiness to which [he] dared not put a face” (61). During this interaction, I jump up and corner Izzy on one side of the stage whilst in my passionate speech and then when I am finished I retreat into myself. Izzy then executes Lady Croom’s art of seduction by dragging her finger along my shoulder while she passes me to the door. This staging is somewhat complicated but it contributes greatly to the greatness of our

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