
Dream Script Essay

Decent Essays

representations, which leads to imagination. The dream script is created by “both migrants and host societies” who dream of having a better life, or providing a better life for immigrants. This dream script is the essence of the “what if?” game. In the dream script, Orgad highlights how celebrities are used to help us to imagine how one could “make it” too. One example Orgad uses is Shakira. The Colombian musician is the ideal when it comes to immigrants searching for a better life. She is popular, talented and famous, but did not have to “give up” her cultural background. “This dialectic construction of Shakira- the migrant who transcends identity boundaries and at the same time reproduces those boundaries- contributes to her …show more content…

Nightmare I wants migrants to imagine a live of people being “afraid” of you because the script says people will associate an immigrant with violence. The second nightmare “highlights the injustice, extreme hardships, discrimination and racism that migrants experience.” (Orgad, 2012) The migrants create this script and its purpose is to show what life will “actually” be like. However, this second nightmare has a hard time finding the light of media representations as it often gets misconstrued. Orgad demonstrates this by saying, “in today’s environment of media representations, the lines between the factual and the fictional increasingly blur.” (Orgad, 2012) When looking beyond dreams and nightmares, Orgad finds that immigrants are ambivalent and their imagination is incomplete. “This imagination is governed by uncertainty and confusion, a mix of hope and anxiety, desire for a better, but unknown, future, and grief of over the loss of soon-to-become former lives.” (Orgad, 2012) Essentially, the fear of migration is real, as it is impossible to know where you will fall. Through a growing amount of globalization, we again see representation grow. As they grow more people are able to imagine. In this case, the more representations of a

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